Profile Functions
Motors and actuators have a profile option on the microdialog that allows you to change how the shaft moves as time elapses.
- Step
- Step Dwell Step
- Single Wave
- Oscillating
- Swept Sine
- Impulse
- Ramp
- Solver Expression
Figure 1. Motors microdialog: Profile functions
- You can change the parameters of a profile function using the Property Editor.
- If your profile function is Solver Expression, you cannot preview it in the
Profile Editor directly. However, you can run a motion analysis, then plot
the results (as shown below).
Figure 2. Example: Plot of the Motion Results for a Solver Expression Profile
Profile Types: Examples
Profile Parameters
Parameters available in the Profile Editor vary based on what profile function is selected.
- Span
The time span from when the waveform begins to when it ends. For example, in the figure below, the time span is 1.8.
The Span and dt are related as the profile curve ramps up over time dt and tails off over time dt to prevent discontinuity in the profile.