Submit a Job by Selecting an Input File

Submit a job by simply selecting a job input file and choosing a solver or profile.

Default values for the solver's job arguments can be predefined by the portal administrator so that a job is instantly submitted. If additional information is needed to submit the job, a job submission form is displayed so that job arguments can be populated.
  1. Click the Files tab located in the upper left-hand of the page.
  2. Perform one of the following options:
    • Using the file system tree on the left, navigate to where your job input files are stored.
    • Use the search box to narrow your search for the required file.
    • If you know the job input file folder path, then type the folder path in the location breadcrumbs available at the top of the file list view.

    Tip: If you are using this folder or file frequently, then click to bookmark this folder or file navigation path.
  3. Right-click the job input file.
  4. From the context menu, select Process With.
    Solvers or profiles suffixed with "GUI" indicate that additional information is required to submit the job. In this case, a Job Submission Form is displayed so that the information can be supplied.
    Tip: Select All Profiles to set a default solver or profile for the input file type (based on the file extension) or to force the solver's job submission form to be displayed so that it can be customized.
    A list of solvers and profiles specific to the file type of the job input file are displayed.

    Figure 1. Solvers and Job Profiles Specific to the Job Input File Type
  5. Select a solver or job profile.
    If additional information is necessary to submit the job, then a job submission form is displayed. Otherwise, the job is instantly submitted.
    A job submission form is displayed based on the selected solver or profile containing the required application arguments for the application. Values for these arguments must be entered for the job to be successfully submitted. Each application will have its own unique arguments.

    Figure 2. Job Submission Form
  6. Fill in the required application arguments.
    1. Select the Server from the drop-down list.
      The applications and profiles displayed on the left are those that are installed on the selected HPC complex.
    2. Select the version of the solver from the drop-down list.
    3. Enter the number of CPUs and Memory in MB required to run the job.
    4. Select an input file.
      If a Master File is selected as an input file, then the include files will be listed by default.
    5. Enter the Output Directory.
      By default, the output directory is created in the same location where the input files are located.
    Tip: Click Set Profile as Default to set the profile that is used as a default profile.
  7. Click Submit Job.
    The job is submitted and a notification is displayed providing the status of the job.
    Tip: Click on the Job ID link provided in the notification to view the job status.
A folder is created in the job output directory. It is named based on the job name and job submission time. Job result files are written to this folder. While the job is running results files are maintained on the remote PAS server. These files can be displayed by viewing the contents of the Running Folder in Job Summary. Once the job completes, the job results files are written to the Output folder in Job Summary.

Your job will initially be placed into a queue awaiting execution. Jobs can be monitored for queuing, execution, and completion, and the job results viewed via the Jobs tab.