Add or Remove List Attributes

Add or remove list attributes in the file and job listing table.

There are more than thirty (30) job attributes and more than ten (10) file attributes that can be displayed in the Job Listing and File Listing. This provides the flexibility to select the job information or files that is pertinent for your work environment while being able to dismiss information that would otherwise clutter up the display.
  1. Click available in the column header of Files, Jobs, Input, Output, and Running Folder tabs.
    For example, if you have selected in the Jobs tab, then the Job Select Columns list is displayed.

    Figure 1. Job Select Columns
    For example, if you have selected in the Files tab, then the File Select Columns list is displayed.

    Figure 2. File Select Columns
    Note: The File Select Columns displayed is same for Files, Input, Output, and Running Folder tabs.
  2. Select the attribute(s) to be added to the display by enabling the check box of the attribute.
    For example, if you have added Memory Used attribute then the job list will be updated.

    Figure 3. Job List with New Job Attribute