What's New
Latest features available with Altair Access™ Web.
DUO Authentication
Duo’s multi-factor authentication is integrated with Access Web to strengthen access security. Multi-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to your site. Verifying your identity using a second factor (like your phone or other mobile device) prevents anyone but you from logging in, even if they know your password.
Refer to the Enable Multi-Factor Authentication topic in the Access Web 2020.1 Administrators Guide for more information.
Change User Password
Change the password that you use to login to the machine hosting Access Web. The option is supported only in Linux version of Access Web.
For more information see the Access Web 2020.1 User Guide.
Access Web Idle Session Timeout
Access Web provides an option to configure Access Web session timeout value to automatically logout a user when the session is idle.
Refer to the Configure Access Web Idle Session Timeout topic in the Access Web 2020.1 Administrators Guide for more information.
Quick Access to Applications during Job Submission
Applications and solvers are displayed in the Jobs and Sessions tab in the top bar. The applications are sorted based on recent use in both the Jobs and Sessions tab.
For more information see the Access Web 2020.1 User Guide.
Job Submission Form Enhancement
- The Application list is displayed at the top bar of the Jobs and Sessions tab which reduces the extra clicks for submitting a job.
- The File Management section is now displayed in the Job Submission Form so that it is easy for uploading job files, adding job files to the job submission form, and setting the output directory during job submission.
- You can edit the file path directly in the job submission form now. This is consistent with the file path editing feature available in the Files tab.
- You can now provide helpful descriptions for the job submission form fields. These can be displayed by clicking the show help checkbox.
Job Details View by other Users
The job input and output files can be viewed by users other than the job owner when they have the permission or access at the file system level.
Remote Sessions in Desktop Viewer
For more information see the Access Web 2020.1 User Guide.
Custom Message for an Interactive Session
Provide custom site-specific message when an interactive session takes a long time to start.
Refer to the Display Custom Message for Delayed Start of Interactive Session topic in the Access Web 2020.1 Administrators Guide for more information.
File Management Enhancements:
- Create and manage bookmarks to allow quick access to a specific file path.
- Home button is added in the Files tab. Home button will take user to their Home directory defined at Operating System level. Administrator need to add parent directory of all Users home during service registration to make home button work.
- Refresh button is added in the Files tab.
- An option is available to extract the contents of a zip file when a file is uploaded.
For more information see the Access Web 2020.1 User Guide.
Generic Action on a Job Enhancement
Generic actions do not display the action input dialog box when the generic action does not require input from the user. The generic action will be performed on the job and the output will be displayed.
Delete Job Details from Staging Area
Remove a job and job output files from the staging area. An option is provided while removing a job to delete the contents from the staging area.
Adding Site Specific Web Pages
Add site specific pages in Access Web to share with all the users. The web sites may provide site specific information that users of Access Web require like an internal web page describing the solver’s available at each HPC complex.
Refer to the Add Site Specific Web Pages topic in the Access Web 2020.1 Administrators Guide for more information.
Localization Settings
Access Web now provides an option to change the locale to view user interface labels, buttons, tooltips, messages, etc. in a different language.
Refer to the Change the Locale topic in the Access Web 2020.1 Administrators Guide for more information.
Application Icon
Provide a custom icon to represent an application or solver in the Access Web user interface. By default, a generic icon is displayed in the Access Web user interface when displaying the list of available applications/solvers for submitting a job.
Refer to the Display an Icon for an Application topic in the Access Web 2020.1 Administrators Guide for more information.
Display of Logged in User
The logged in user is now displayed in Access Web user interface when you click on Settings.
Search Box Filter by User Name
The search criteria now allows you to search for a job by the user who submitted the job.
Tail Frequency option
The tail frequency can now be set to 10, 20 or 30 seconds for viewing updates made to the file contents. For more information see the Access Web 2020.1 User Guide.
Additional Files in pa-diagnosis Zip Output
The pa-diagnostic script output zip file provides additional information like disk usage summary, SELinux status, and pbsworks-pa.conf file.
Connecting Access Web URL using HTTPS in Access Desktop
Access Desktop can now connect to an Access Web server via HTTPS via the Access Desktop user interface and through the pas-server-add command.
For more information see the Add a Server topic in the Altair Access 2020.1 Command Line Interface Guide.