Create an Animation

You can visualize animations from the job result files.

  1. Click Jobs located on the top left-corner of the page.
    Your jobs list is displayed.

    Figure 1. Jobs List
  2. Select a job.
    The job Output result files are displayed.
  3. Right-click the result file and then click Open With > Animation TOC.

    Figure 2. Animation TOC Menu
    The Table of Contents screen for Animation is displayed.

    Figure 3. Table of Contents for Animation
  4. Optional: Deselect Use Result File and click to select other model file from a remote file browser location.
  5. Optional: Click Subcase and select the required load case.
    Note: Choosing the Subcase is optional. By default, the first entry in the Subcase list is considered for an animation.
  6. Optional: Click Simulation to select simulation query.

    Figure 4. Animation Simulation Query Menu
  7. Select the following in the Simulation Query:
    • Select Filter
    • Select Start, End, and Step values.
    • Click Refresh, to view the list of Time Steps.
    Note: Setting the Simulation Query is optional. By default, all the listed simulations in the Simulation Query is considered for an animation.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Select the required options for the Model and Result Type. You can view the corresponding Component Contour is preselected.
    Figure 5. Animation Variables
  10. Optional: Click , to specify the compression ratio for the animation file.
  11. Click Animate.
    A message to download the HyperView Player is displayed.

    Figure 6. HyperView Player Download Link
    The animation results can be viewed from the HyperView Player application.
    Note: The Back link takes you back to the Table of Contents for Animation screen where you can modify the animation parameters.
  12. Click . The results are downloaded and displayed in the HyperView Player application.
  13. Optional: Click to download the HyperView Player software. The Altair Hyperworks web page is displayed with the HyperView player 2017 software to download.