You can save a plot as a template (.rvst file) and apply the plot parameters to a
different result file.
When you save a plot as a template, you can apply a different result file and reuse
the parameters of the plot to generate a new plot. Note: You cannot save the plots
generated from CSV files as templates.
In the plot view, click .
The Save Template dialog box is displayed.
Enter a Name for your plot template.
Note: By default, the selected result file name is saved with .rvst
extension in the current job directory.
To modify the location, click to connect to the remote file browser and
select a new location.
Tip: Click Reset to current directory to select the
current job directory.
Click Save .
Note: If another file exists with the same name, a confirmation message is displayed. Select
Yes to overwrite and No to
enter a new name.