The dynamical behavior of the block is defined with Spice language in a script.
The SpiceCustom block provides a generic interface for defining a Spice netlist. The netlist, which describes a circuit, will be processed and simulated by the Altair HyperSpice solver.
For more details, see the Extended Definitions for Advanced Users.Parameters
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
code | Spice netlist | String | ||
nin | Number of voltage inputs | The number of input ports for voltage of nodes in the netlist. | Number | |
inputs_names | Selected voltage inputs | A cell containing the list of nodes of the netlist to be deriven by block input ports. These nodes are operating as voltage sources. | ||
nout | Number of voltage outputs | The number of output ports to retrieve the voltage of nodes in the netlist. | Number | |
outputs_names | Selected voltage outputs | A cell containing the list of nodes of the netlist whose voltage to be retrieved. | ||
ncout | Number of current outputs | The number of output ports to retrieve the current passing through the components in the netlist. | Number | |
coutputs_names | Selected current outputs | A cell containing the list of components of the netlist whose current to be retrieved. |
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
enabledebug | Enable debug | This patameter turns off the HyperSpice logger. Error and Warning messages are displayed in the OML command window regardless of this checkbox. | Number | 0 |
simloglevel | Spice interface logging level | Select a logging level from the list. The levels Debug, Verbose, Info, Warning, and Error are registered. Messages are logged into the log-file by choosing the appropriate logging level. | String | 'Error' |
log_file_name | Log file name (*.log) | Choose a logging level from the list box. For example, if you choose the info level, all log messages with the category Info, Warning, or Error will be registered. Messages can be displayed in the OML command window by using the appropriate logging level, but the simulation may run slower as a result. If many messages are present, creating a log file may be a better solution. | String | |
result_file | Result file name(*.csv) | The path of the output file (in CSV format) that contains the value of all nodes. If entering a relative path, the path is relative to the model location. | String |
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
acanalysis | AC analysis | Select the check box to apply AC (frequency) analysis, otherwise transient analysis is appied. In AC mode, the HyperSpice solver does not limit the Activate solver step size. | Number | 0 |
nfeedthrough | Enable one-step delay | Defines the direct input-output dependency of the block in AC analysis. This parameter is useful for breaking algebraic loops by introducing a one-step time delay during the computation of the outputs. In transient mode, the direct input-output dependency is always False. | Number | 0 |
Name | Type | Description | IO Type | Number |
Port 1 | explicit | output | nout+ncout | |
Port 2 | explicit | input | nin | |
Port 3 | explicit | input | acanalysis |