Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
nbC | number of columns | Defines the number of columns that the LCD has | Number | |
nbL | number of lines | Defines the number of lines that the LCD has | Number | |
in_ports | Input port informations | Structure | ||
in_ports/DataType | DataType | Defines how the data should be treated (character or numerical) for each line | Cell of strings | 'ascii' |
RS | RS | Defines which pin is connected to pin RS of the LCD | Scalar | |
RW | RW | Defines which pin is connected to pin RW of the LCD | Scalar | |
Enable | E | Defines which pin is connected to pin Enable of the LCD | Scalar | |
D7 | D7 | Defines which pin is connected to pin D7 of the LCD | Scalar | |
D6 | D6 | Defines which pin is connected to pin D6 of the LCD | Scalar | |
D5 | D5 | Defines which pin is connected to pin D5 of the LCD | Scalar | |
D4 | D4 | Defines which pin is connected to pin D4 of the LCD | Scalar | |
D3 | D3 | Defines which pin is connected to pin D3 of the LCD | Scalar | |
D2 | D2 | Defines which pin is connected to pin D2 of the LCD | Scalar | |
D1 | D1 | Defines which pin is connected to pin D1 of the LCD | Scalar | |
D0 | D0 | Defines which pin is connected to pin D0 of the LCD | Scalar | |
bit8 | Enable 8 bits | Enables the use of 8 bit data bits for the LCD | Number | 0 |
RWenable | Enable RW pin | Enables the use of the RW pin of the LCD | Number | 0 |
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
use_open_port | Use opened serial port | Use the port defined in the configuration block or specify the port | Number | 0 |
com_port | Communication port | Comm port number | String |
Name | Type | Description | IO Type | Number |
Port 1 | activation | input | 1 | |
Port 2 | explicit | input | nbL |