This block publish a message on a given MQTT topic.
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
nin | Number of Inputs | Defines the number of inputs | Number | |
hostname | Hostname | Defines the broker's IP address | String | |
port | Port | Defines the port number to use | Scalar | |
username | Username | Defines the username for authentication. | String | |
password | Password | Defines the username for authentication. | String | |
topic | Topic | Defines the topic where the message will be published. | String | |
connection | Connection | Defines the MQTT clean session flag. | Structure | |
connection/clean | Clean session | Number | 0 | |
connection/persistent | Persistent session | Number | 0 | |
retain | Retain message | If set, the message will be retained. | Number | 0 |
qos | Quality of Sevice | Defines the Quality of Service to be used for the connection. | Structure | |
qos/qos0 | 0 | This level guarantees a best-effort delivery. There is no guarantee of delivery. The recipient does not acknowledge receipt of the message and the message is not stored and re-transmitted by the sender. | Number | 0 |
qos/qos1 | 1 | This level guarantees that a message is delivered at least one time to the receiver. The sender stores the message until it gets a PUBACK packet from the receiver that acknowledges receipt of the message. It is possible for a message to be sent or delivered multiple times. | Number | 0 |
qos/qos2 | 2 | This level guarantees that each message is received only once by the intended recipients. It is the safest and slowest quality of service level. | Number | 0 |
keepalive | Keep alive | Defines the number of seconds after which the broker should send a PING message to the client if no other messages have been exchanged in that time. | Scalar | |
message | Message | Defines the message to be published. This message can be of any format (text, JSON, ...). User can use %%1, %%2, ..., %%n to identify the inputs. | String | |
onFailure | Do on failure | Defines the behavior on failure. | Structure | |
onFailure/error | Error | Number | 0 | |
onFailure/warning | Warning | Number | 0 | |
verbose | Verbose | If set, some information are written in the OML command windows. This flag help to debug. | Number | 0 |
Name | Type | Description | IO Type | Number |
Port 1 | explicit | input | nin | |
Port 2 | activation | input | 1 |