Working with Blocks

Learn about modifying parameters and properties, positioning and searching for blocks.

Modify Block Parameters

Every block includes a set of parameters that controls the block’s behavior and options. You can modify these parameters as required for a model.

  1. Locate a block in a diagram that you want to modify and double-click the block.
    A block dialog appears containing the parameters for the model.
  2. Enter the paramter values as required for your model.
The following dialog shows you the paramters you can set for a SineWaveGenerator block. For example, you can set an exact numerical value for the amplitude:

You can further parameterize the block by setting the Magnitude to M and the Frequency to F, where both M and F are model parameters that can be defined in the model context.

Modify Block Properties

Modify the name, color and display properties of a block from the Property Editor.

  1. From the menu bar, select View > Property Editor.
    The Property Editor appears on the bottom left of your screen.
  2. In the modeling window, in the current model, select a block to modify.
  3. From the Property Editor, choose from the following properties:
    For property Do this
    Name Under General, for Value, enter a name for the block.
    Name display Select Show Name to display the name of the block in a diagram. The block name is displayed under the block.
    Color Click Background, and then select from the color options that appear.
    Color transparency Select Transparency and enter a percentage; 100 % = highest transparency.
    Boundary display Select the Frame Visiblilty box. The graphical display of the block includes a framed boundary.
    Position Select the Flip box. The block and its ports flip horizontally.
    Tip: You can also modify a number of properties through the context menu. To access a block's context menu, right-click the block.

Enable External Activation

Enable a block to receive an activation signal through an external activation port.

  1. Double-click a block that you would like to connect to an Activation block.
  2. On the dialog that appears, select the External Activation box.
    Turning on External Activation exposes a red input port that can accept a link from an Activation block. The Scope block in the following diagram shows this port:

Search for Blocks

Locate a block in a particular palette, or search for a block or palette throughout a library.

In the Palette Browser, enter a term in the search field for one of the following options:
Search option Search result
All blocks are displayed in the palettes with the found blocks highlighted. Navigate through the blocks with the up and down arrows next to the search field.
All found blocks are displayed.