Head Injury Criterion used to measure potential for head injury.
[x,y] = hic(time, accel, window, mode=0, specification)
x = hic(time, accel, window, mode=1, specification)
y = hic(time, accel, window, mode=2, specification)
w = hic(time, accel, window, mode=3, specification)
- time
- The time vector of data to analyze (in seconds).
- accel
- The head acceleration vector, equal in length to the time vector.
- window
- The window width (in seconds).
- mode
- 0
- Output the hic window x,y vectors.
- 1
- Output the hic window x vector.
- 2
- Output the hic window y vector.
- 3
- Output the height of the hic window, and its left and right end points as a single vector.
- specification
- 1
- JNCAP (default)
- 2
- x
- The x coordinates of the hic window.
- y
- The y coordinates of the hic window.
- w
- The height of the hic window, and its left and right end points.
Find the hic window dimensions associated with a pair of time and acceleration vectors.
t = [0: 0.0001: 0.050];
accel = sin(20 * pi * t);
w = hic(time, accel, 0.03, 3)
w = [Matrix] 1 x 3
0.02048 0.01000 0.04000