Find the minimum of a univariate real function within an interval.
x = fminbnd(@func,interval)
x = fminbnd(@func,interval,options)
[x,fval,info,output] = fminbnd(...)
- func
- The function to minimize.
- interval
- A two-element vector containing the interval on which to minimize.
- options
- A struct containing option settings.
- x
- The location of the function minimum.
- fval
- The minimum of the function.
- info
- The convergence status flag.
- info = 1
- Function value converged to within tolX.
- info = 0
- Reached maximum number of iterations or function calls.
- output
- A struct containing iteration details. The members are as follows:
- iterations
- The number of iterations.
- nfev
- The number of function evaluations.
- xiter
- The function values of the interval end points at each iteration.
- fvaliter
- The interval end points at each iteration.
function y = func(x)
y = -log(x) / x;
interval = [1, 6];
[x,fval] = fminbnd(@func, interval)
x = 2.71828183
fval = -0.367879441
fminbnd implements Brent's method for minimization without derivatives.
Options for convergence tolerance controls are specified with optimset.
To pass additional parameters to a function argument, use an anonymous function.
- MaxIter: 100
- MaxFunEvals: 400
- TolX: 1.0e-7