Displays the names of the registered built-in functions in the application.
abs acos acosd acosh addToolbox addpath addtoolbox all and angle any area
arg asin asind asinh assert assignin atan atan2 atanh axes axis balance bar
bbdesign besself besself3 beta betacdf betafit betainv betapdf betarnd bin2dec
bins bitand bitor bitxor blackman blanks builtin butter buttord
cart2pol cart2sph cat cd cdf ceil cell cell2mat cell2struct celldisp cellfun
char chdir cheb1ord cheb2ord chebwin cheby1 cheby2 chi2cdf chi2inv chi2pdf
chi2rnd chol cla class clc clear clf clock close complex cond conj contour
contour3 conv conv2 copyfile corr cos cosd cosh cov cplxpair cpsd cputime
cross cumprod cumsum cumtrapz date datenum deblank dec2bin dec2hex deg2rad
delete det detrend diag diary diff dir disp dlmwrite dos dot double e eig
ellip ellipord encryptfile eps eq erf error errordlg eval evalin exist exit exp expcdf
expfit expinv expm exppdf exprnd extract eye factor false fcdf fclose feof
ferror feval fflush fft fft2 fgetl fgets fieldnames figure fileparts fill
filter filtfilt find finv fir1 fix flintmax fliplr floor fminbnd fmincon
fminunc fold fopen format fpdf fprintf fread freq freqs freqz frewind frnd
fscanf fseek fsolve ftell fullfact fullfile func2str funccount funclist fwrite
fzero ga gamcdf gamfit gaminv gamma gampdf gamrnd gaoptimset gca gcd gcf ge
genvarname get getcompindex getcomplist getcompname getenv getfield
getfilteredcomplist getnumcomps getnumreqs getnumtypes getreqindex
getreqlist getreqname getsubcaseindex getsubcaselist getsubcasename
gettotalsubcases gettypeindex gettypelist gettypename grid gt hamming
hann help hex2dec hist hold horzcat hypot i icdf ifft imag impz ind2sub
inf input inputdlg interp1 interp2 intersect inv isaxes isbool iscell
iscellstr ischar iscomplex isdir isempty isequal isfield isfigure
isfinite isglobal ishandle ishermitian ishold isinf isletter islogical
ismac ismatrix ismember isnan isnumeric iso6487 ispc isprime isreal
isscalar issorted isspace isstr isstruct issymmetric isunix isvarname
isvector j kaiser kron lasterr lastwarn ldivide le legend length
line linsolve linspace load log log10 log2 logical loglog logncdf
lognfit logninv lognpdf lognrnd logspace lower ls lsqcurvefit lt lu
mat2str max mean meandev median memoryuse mesh meshgrid min minus
mislocked mkdir mldivide mlock mod mpower mrdivide msgbox mtimes
munlock nan nargin narginchk nargout nargoutchk ndims ne norm
normalize normcdf normfit norminv normpdf normrnd not num2str
numel ode113 ode15i ode15s ode45 odeset omlfilename ones optimset or
parzenwin path pathsep pause pdf permute pi pinv plot plot3 plus poisscdf
poissfit poissinv poisspdf poissrnd pol2cart polar poly polyder
polyfit polyint polyval pow2 power primes printf prod putenv pwd
pwelch qr quad quadv questdlg quit rad2deg rand randn random rank
rcond rdivide readfiletoc readmultvectors readvector readvectorbuilder
real realmax realmin refcnt regexp regress releasedata rem rename
repmat reshape restoredefaultpath rmdir rmfield rmpath rms roots rot90
round run saefilt95 saefilter save saveas scatter scatter3 schur
semilogx semilogy set setdiff setenv setfield setxor sign sin sinc
sind sinh size skewness sleep sort sph2cart spline sprintf sqrt sscanf
startupscript_edit startupscript_path std stderr stdin stdout stem
str2double str2func str2num strcat strcmp strcmpi strfind strjoin
strncmp strncmpi strrep strsplit strtok strtrim struct struct2cell
strvcat sub2ind subplot subsasgn subsref sum surf svd system tan
tanh tcdf text textread tic times tinv title toascii toc tolower
toupper tpdf trace transpose trapz tril triu trnd true ttest ttest2
type uibuttongroup uicontrol uigetdir uigetfile uminus unifcdf
unifinv unifit unifpdf unifrnd union unique unix unwrap uplus upper
var varlist vartest vartest2 version vertcat view warndlg warning
waterfall wblcdf wblfit wblinv wblpdf wblrnd welchwin which who
whos xcorr xlabel xlim ylabel ylim zeros zlabel zlim ztest
Functions displayed: 556