Find a solution of a system of real nonlinear equations.
x = fsolve(@func,x0)
x = fsolve(@func,x0,options)
[x,fval,info,output] = fsolve(...)
- func
- The system to solve. See the optimset option Jacobian for details.
- x0
- An estimate of the solution.
- options
- A struct containing option settings.
- x
- A solution of the system.
- fval
- The value of func evaulated at x.
- info
- The convergence status flag.
- info = 4
- Relative step size converged to within tolX.
- info = 3
- Relative function value converged to within tolFun.
- info = 2
- Step size converged to within tolX.
- info = 1
- Function value converged to within tolFun.
- info = 0
- Reached maximum number of iterations or function calls, or the algorithm aborted because it was not converging.
- info = -3
- Trust region became too small to continue.
- output
- A struct containing iteration details. The members are as follows:
- iterations
- The number of iterations.
- nfev
- The number of function evaluations.
- xiter
- The candidate solution at each iteration.
- fvaliter
- The objective function value at each iteration.
Solve the system of equations SysFunc.
function res = SysFunc(x)
% intersection of two paraboloids and a plane
v1 = (x(1))^2 + (x(2))^2 + 6;
v2 = 2*(x(1))^2 + 2*(x(2))^2 + 4;
v3 = 5*x(1) - 5*x(2);
res = zeros(2,1);
res(1,1) = v1 - v3;
res(2,1) = v2 - v3;
x0 = [1; 2];
[x,fval] = fsolve(@SysFunc,x0)
x = [Matrix] 2 x 1
fval = [Matrix] 2 x 1
fsolve uses a modified Gauss-Netwon algorithm with a trust region method.
Options for convergence tolerance controls and analytical derivatives are specified with optimset.
If fsolve converges to a solution that is not a zero of the system, it will produce a warning indicating that a best fit value is being returned.
To pass additional parameters to a function argument, use an anonymous function.
- MaxIter: 100
- MaxFunEvals: 400
- TolFun: 1.0e-7
- TolX: 1.0e-7
- Jacobian: 'off'
- Display: 'off'