Creates an infinite section cut.
CreateInfiniteSectionCut assemname sectionName template {startpnt} {endpnt} } distance
- assemname
- Name of the HWAT assembly (HyperMesh component entity set) on which to create the section.
- sectionName
- Name to give the newly created group in HyperMesh.
- template
- The template location.
- startpnt
- Tcl list of x, y, and z coordinates of the tail node of the normal vector.
- endpnt
- Tcl list of x, y, and z coordinates of the tip node of the normal vector.
- distance
- The distance from the tail node to the base point. Can be a percentage distance between the start and end points.
- Success
- Group ID
- Failure
- {}
::hwat::core::CreateSectionCut MIDRAIL_L "Section1" "D:/Altair/templates/feoutput/ls-dyna/dyna.key" [list 0.0 0.0 0.0] [list 0.0 0.0 1.0] 50%
This is a "private" function that should only be called from the "public" ::hwat::utils::CreateSectionCut function.