Create and manipulate hierarchical multicolumn widgets.
hwtk::propertysheet - pathName ?option value? …
A hwtk::propertysheet creates a simple, 2 column tree with a name column and value column. Standard and custom editors can be assigned to each row in the value column to allow editing of different types of data. Items can be displayed in a hierarchical format.
Standard Options
- -clientdata
- Database name: clientData
Widget Specific Options
- -boldlabels
- Database name: boldlabels
- -fittocontent
- Database name: fittocontent
- -showheader
- Database name: showHeader
Widget Commands
- pathName cget option
- Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option.
- pathName columncget tag option
- Returns the current value of the configuration option for the column tag.
- pathName column configure tag ?option? ?value option value? …
- Works the same as configure for any other widget for column tag.
- pathName column list
- Returns a list of columns currently available.
- pathName configure ?option? ?value option value …?
- Query or modify the configuration options of the widget. If one or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the named option: the elements of the list are the option name, database name, database class, default value, and current value. If no option is specified, returns a list describing all of the available options for pathName.
- pathName editorpost tag
- Displays the editor for the given tag.
- pathName editorunpost
- Closes the active editor.
- pathName fittocontent
- Size the propertysheet to show all content.
- pathName getvalue tag
- Returns the value of the item specified by tag.
- pathName identify element x y
- Returns the name of the element under the point given by x and y, or an empty string if the point does not lie within any element. x and y are pixel coordinates relative to the widget. Some widgets accept other identify subcommands.
- pathName instate statespec ?script?
- Test the widget’s state. If script is not specified, returns 1 if the
widget state matches statespec and 0 otherwise. If script is specified,
equivalent to
- pathName itemcget tag option
- Returns the current value of option for the item specified by tag. Option may have any of the values accepted by the item widget command.
- pathName itemconfigure tag ?options?
- Configure options for item specified by tag. Options may be any of the editable options accepted by the item widget command.
- pathName item create tag ?options?
- Create an item tag in pathName with configuration options given in option-value pairs Valid options are -category, -clientdata, -expandbutton, -help, -image, -parent, -state, -text, -type, -validatecommand, -value, -valueacceptcommand, -valuelistcommand and -visible.
- pathName item delete tag
- Delete the item tag.
- pathName itemexists tag
- Returns a value specifying whether or not item tag exists in pathName. Returns 1 if the item exists, 0 if it does not.
- pathName itemlist
- Returns a list of all items in pathName.
- pathName registertype typeName class displayType
- Registers a custom editor to be used to edit the value of an item. typeName is the name used to reference the editor. class is an editor class name. typeNameis the name used to reference the editor. class is an editor class name. displayType can be text, image, window and rect.
- pathName reqheight
- Return the height required to fit the contents of table. More accurate than winfo reqheight.
- pathName reqwidth
- Return the width required to fit the contents of table. More accurate than winfo reqwidth.
- pathName setvalue tag value
- Set the value of the item specified by tag.
- pathName typecget type option
- Returns the value of the specified option for the editor typename type. Option is either -class or -displaytype.
- pathName typelist
- Displays a list of available editor types.
- pathName types
- Displays a list of available editor types.
proc SetValue {W I V} {
puts [info level 0]
return 1
proc Validate {W I V P} {
puts [info level 0]
return 1
proc GetValueList {W I} {
puts [info level 0]
return [list Atlanta Boston Chicago Detroit "San Franciso"]
set dlg [::hwtk::dialog .#auto -title "::hwtk::propertysheet"]
set ps [::hwtk::propertysheet [$dlg recess].p]
$ps itemcreate real -text Real -type real -help "of type real" -value 1.5 -valueacceptcommand "SetValue %W %I %V" -validatecommand "Validate %%V"
$ps itemcreate int -text Integer -type int -help "of type int" -value "-12" -valueacceptcommand "SetValue %W %I %V"
$ps itemcreate uint -text "Unsigned Integer" -image [hwtk::image cache productHyperWorks-16.png] -type uint -help "of type uint" -value "12" -valueacceptcommand "SetValue %W %I %V"
$ps itemcreate combo -text Combobox -type combobox -value "Detroit" -help "of type combo" -valuelistcommand "GetValueList %W" -valueacceptcommand "SetValue %W %I %V"
$ps itemcreate str -text String -type str -expandbutton 1 -help "of type str" -valueacceptcommand "SetValue %W %I %V"
$ps itemcreate color -text "Color" -type intcolor -parent str -help "of type intcolor" -value "2" -valueacceptcommand "SetValue %W %I %V"
pack $ps -fill both -expand true
$ps fittocontent
$dlg post