Steps and examples for writing a custom widget using the toolkit.
Create a class.
Create XYZentry inheriting from hwtk::interface::HWIWidget
itcl::class XYZentry {
inherit hwtk::interface::HWIWidget;
itk_option define -orient orient Orient "horizontal";
constructor {args} {};
destructor} {};
public method get {args};
Writing the constructor:
itcl::body XYZentry:constructor {args} {
itk_component add hull {ttk::frame $itk_interior } { }
itk_component add x {hwtk::label $itk_interior.__x -text "X:"} { }
itk_component add xe {hwtk::entry $itk_interior.__xe -inputtype double} { }
itk_component add y {hwtk::label $itk_interior.__y -text "Y:"} { }
itk_component add ye {hwtk::entry $itk_interior.__ye -inputtype double} { }
itk_component add z {hwtk::label $itk_interior.__z -text "Z:"
itk_component add ze {hwtk::entry $itk_interior.__ze -inputtype double
eval itk_initialize ;
Writing the Option Config body:
itcl::configbody XYZentry::orient {
switch -glob --itck_option(-orient)
h* {
pack configure $itk_component(x) $itk_component(xe) -side left
pack configure $itk_component(y) $itk_component(ye) -side left
pack configure $itk_component(z) $itk_component(ze) -side left
v* {
pack configure $itk_component(x) $itk_component(xe) -side top
pack configure $itk_component(y) $itk_component(ye) -side top
pack configure $itk_component(z) $itk_component(ze) -side top
Writing with the Public method (get)
itcl::body XYZentry::get {args} {
if {[llength [info level 0]]} {
return [list [ $itk_component(xe) [$itk_component(ye) [$itk_component(ze) ]
if {[llength [info level 0]]> 2} {
return -code error "wrong args # should be $itk_component (hull) get ?X? ?Y? ?Z?"
switch -- $args{
X {return [$itk_component(xe) get]}
Y {return [$itk_component(ye) get]}
Z {return [$itk_component(ze) get]}
Simple custom
toplevel .t
pack [XYZentry .t.e]
the public
% .t.e get X
% .t.e get Y
% .t.e get Z
% .t.e get
12.323 22.333 45.123