Altair HyperWorks 2020.1 Release Notes

Categories are listed in alphanumeric order.

1D Meshing

New Features

Beam Stress Calculation
For OptiStruct and Nastran profiles. Recalculate stress distribution on a beam section from beam force and moment and node one. Stress components are Axial stress, Shear Y/Z or Magnitude, and Von Mises. Stress distribution is recalculated from vectors “1D Forces” and “1D Moments” data types at section 1. You can switch on/off the force’s contributions during the stress calculation. Property must refer to either a Standard or Solid beam section. A tessellation of the section is generated on demand to display stress contour. Native *.h3d files are not supported as vectors data types as “1D Forces” and “1D Moments” are not available.

Figure 1.
Align 1D
This context reorders the two nodes of a beam to follow a consistent X axis. It is mandatory for non-symmetric section shapes. Various methods are available to define reference axis to compare against.

Figure 2.
If element X axis forms an angle with reference direction below tolerance, its nodes are sequenced along ascending order.

Figure 3.


Change behavior of option Match 2D Mesh
In Mesh Create, the option “Reference shells” replaces option “Match 2D mesh” with new value added “None” to seed a mesh conformal with shells. They do not inherit orientation from shells.
User defined orientation vector during create
In Mesh Create, a microdialog provides a way to select an orientation vector. It can also apply to beams on shells if “Reference shells” is set to None.
Review Pins for multiple elements
In Mesh Review, a legend has been extended to enable display of PinA and PinB as labels on selection.

Resolved Issues

  • Selection of beamsection or property is maintained in Mesh Create. It enables you to sequentially create elements while keeping the same beamsection or property.

3D Meshing


Volume meshing quality enforcement
Improved volume meshing optimization capability to enforce user defined size and quality. In order to enforce quality and sizes during the optimization stage, mesher will also move surface mesh nodes. Due to this capability criteria like minimum height can be enforced as well.

Abaqus Interface

New Features

Auto Contact for Abaqus
A new way of detecting contact surfaces for Auto contact by extending the surfaces based on feature angle is introduced.
Cohesive Element Modeling
A new cohesive element modeling is added to the special elements tool in Abaqus.


Updated Keywords
*RIGID BODY – The reference node is updated with an option to reference a node set.
*COUPLING – A node set can be used for the reference node when type is element based surface.

Resolved Issues

  • An issue with evaluating PARAMETER keyword especially if it spreads across multiple includes is resolved.
  • A *COUPLING node with surface type as node will be lost and this issue is fixed.
  • In a nested include input file the sets defined are moving out of include file. This issue is resolved and ensured that sets remain in the defined include.
  • An issue on losing the property definition as well as property getting mixed between direct and indirect definition is resolved.
  • Set of sets lost upon import and export is resolved.
  • A performance hit on Auto contact detection is improved.
  • An include file containing datalines under *FILM was not exporting, and the issue is resolved in this version.
  • A crash issue on card editing *MPC constraint is resolved.

ADVC Interface


  • Allows HyperMesh to perform model creation and setup for ADVC solver
  • The following functions are available in the ADVC user-profile:
    • Assembly related
    • Geometry related
    • Mesh related
    • Model Browser
    • Entity Editor
    • EE customization
    • Tool tips
    • Create cards
    • Menu customization
    • Quick search
    • HWx interface
    • Ribbon customization
    • Supported version 2019 R1.2

Solver Cards

New Cards (Import, Export, Editing)
Element Cards
Element Type Solver Card
2D Element $ShellLinearTriangle
3D Element $3DLinearTetrahedron
3D Gasket Element $3DGasket6
Material Cards
Material Type Material Card
Isotropic $YoungModulus
Anisotropic $Density
Gasket $Density
ElasticPlastic / Elastic Attributes $YoungModulus
von Mises with Isotropic Hardening $YieldStress
ElasticPlastic / von Mises with Isotropic Hardening $MisesIsotropicHardeningCurve
ElasticPlastic / von Mises with Kinematic Hardening $MisesKinematicHardeningCurve
ElasticPlastic / von Mises with Combined Hardening $MisesIsotropicHardeningCurve
Property Cards
Sets Cards
Control Cards
Friction and Contact Cards
LoadSteps and OutputBlocks
Unsupported Cards
For all unsupported cards, Import and Export is supported. Integrity of these cards will be maintained inside HyperMesh.
Known Limitations for Include File Path
  • Include paths in the Include Browser will be displayed with respect to the master file directory. Integrity of the include paths will be maintained on import and export.
  • Note: If you plan to add a new include file, you have to make sure that the include path is defined with respect to the master file directory.


New Features

New Model Browser
Model Browser now shows all entities present in the session. Entities such as nodes, elements, connectors, geometry, loads, and subsystems are now displayed. A new grouped entity display mode shows HyperMesh entities at the first level and solver-specific sub-types at the second level.

Figure 4.
Facilitates quick review of model data by contextually organizing entities by solver type and sub-type, which in turn provides an entry point to entity specific views. Takes full advantage of column filtering and addition of attributes as columns in any entity view.
Facilitates the creation of entity specific views on double-click of top-level entities and creates filtered entity sub-type specific views on double-clicking of sub folders. All entity views, except for Include view, can be docked to the right or bottom docking areas, or undocked to float in the session or a secondary display.
Facilitates quick review on min & max ID ranges of entities, creation of entities based on solver keywords, and provides information about undefined and ungrouped entities in the model.


Context Menus
The context menus are reordered to be consistent for Model and Solver browser.
Entity list in Browser Configuration dialog
Added “Show Existing” button in Browser configuration dialog to show only the entities that are present in the model.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed performance issue while importing a model with a greater number of loads.
  • Fixed issue with includes collapsing on drag and drop of entities, in include view of Model Browser.

CAD Interface


Updated version support
  • 3DExperience R2020X
  • AVEVA Marine E3D 3.1
  • CATIA V5-6 R2020
  • Inventor 2020
  • NX 1899 (third-party reader, native reader support was previously available)
  • SolidWorks 2020
A new timeout feature has been added to the JT and NX native readers. When enabled, the reader is checked periodically to see if it has crashed or still alive. If the reader has crashed or is still alive and running longer than the timeout value, it will be killed. This is exposed as an option in the relevant .ini files as well as in the Import GUI as "Timeout". This addresses problems of hangs and crashes in the reader itself. It does not cover after the reader is finished and the data is passed to HM, which is not subject to the timeout.

This is beneficial for loading representations, as a crash/hang in the reader when importing a single leaf of a BOM tree will not prevent the rest of the files from loading. Only the leaves with problems will be skipped.

Please note that for single files, or monolithic files, nothing will be imported if there is a crash/hang in the executable, as this is a per-file operation.

Resolved Issues

  • Miscellaneous robustness and performance improvements.
  • NX naming scheme is followed when splitting components "by body" with NX native reader.


New Features

Composite Browser
Browser added for composites focused modeling. Existing composites entities and related modeling tools have been consolidated at this location.
Hierarchical display of laminates and plies
Drag and drop support for plies within laminate and sublaminates within interface laminate
Rapid generation of plies through ply Duplicate dialog
Material reference orientation and ply fiber direction visualization available directly from browser

Figure 5.
Composite Stress Toolbox
Initial implementation of a composite stress toolbox has been integrated with the Composite Browser. CLT based calculations are available from the context menu for material, ply, laminate and zone entities. It is intended to be a replacement and then expansion of existing HyperLaminate functionality.
Materials/Plies – engineering constants, 2D/3D material matrices calculated
Laminates/Zones – stiffness and compliance matrices, homogenized engineering constants and normalized homogenized matrices are calculated

Figure 6.


Zone Calculation
Zones of constant thickness within a laminate are now automatically calculated as composite models are created and edited and are displayed in the Composite Browser. Zone generation requires a laminate in which all plies have an assigned shape. This is an initial implementation; many enhancements are planned in future releases.
Ply Instancing
Ply instancing is now available from the right click context menu of the Composite Browser. The operation will generate n-instances of the main ply. The instance plies will automatically update as data in the main ply is edited.



Two links only option
New option “Two links only” is added to Link option attribute of all seam and area connectors. This is a local option which can be set on individual connector. If link option is set to “two links only,” based on the projection on the links, the connector realization will have only best two links considered.
Build mesh after imprint
New option “After Imprint” is added to spot and seam connectors which undergo imprint. This is a global option. With connector realization the mesh around imprint will be built based on Rebuild or Remesh option. By default, “After Imprint” is set to Rebuild.
Auto trim
New global option “Auto Trim” is added to seam connectors. Enabling this option will trim the ends of seam connectors based on the average projection length of all the test points. It also trims the connector ends if there are no projections.
Multiple connectors at proximity
If seam connector which generates HAZ are at proximity the logic of realization in enhanced such that more connectors gets successfully realized.
Disassociate FE
New option “Disassociate FE” is added in connector browser context menu under "Edit ". It breaks the link between FE and connector. The connector turns to modified state.
New formulations
For seam quad LTB and seam rigid LTB connector, new formulations T1, T2, Tmin, Tmax and pitch size are added to thickness dependent dimensioning schema.
For seam quad LTB connector, new formulations T1, T2, Tmin, Tmax, (T1 + T2) and (T1 + T2)/2 are added to vertical and angled quads property calculation. Tmin, Tmax, and (T1 + T2) are added to straight quads property calculation.
Editable hexa thickness option
Hexa thickness option is made editable for adhesive seam connector in LS-DYNA, PAM-CRASH and Radioss profiles.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue related to distorted mesh with overlapping elements while realizing seam connectors.
  • Crash issue while converting spotline connector to seam line connector.
  • Fixed an issue related to connector .xml reader while reading link rule “automatic.”

Conversion between Solver Formats

Abaqus to OptiStruct

Convert Abaqus C3Dxx I element to OptiStruct PSOLID ISOP = Full.
List of unsupported cards added to the log file on conversion.
*HEADER in the include file is moved to master include on conversion.
*SPRING A converted to CBUSH without CID checked.
*CONNECTOR MOTION/LOAD status updated in the HTML report.
*ELASTIC, TYPE = ENGINEERING CONSTANTS for shell elements converted to OptiStruct MAT8.
*CONNECTOR SECTION Rotation and Cartesian, Rotation converted Rotation and Carrota joints respectively.
*NONSTRUCTURAL MASS, Unit, distribution converted to NSML1 DISTR, Mass.
*TIMEPOINTS converted to NLOUT, TIME,SET,<NUM>,time, list.
Resolved Issues
INREL, -1 conversion applied on set to SUPPORT1 fixed.

Abaqus to Radioss

*HYPERELASTIC Neo Hookean material converted into LAW42
*LOW DENSITY FOAM material converted into LAW70
*MPC (TIE) converted to /RLINK
*Element, type=MASS is converted to /ADMAS card

LS-DYNA to Radioss

*MAT_JOHNSON_COOK / MAT_015 converted to /MAT/LAW02 with failure model
*MAT_SHAPE_MEMORY converted into /MAT/LAW71

Design Explorer

New Features

Results Explorer Enhancements
The Results Explorer has been enhanced to allow for additional features and tools which help with the viewing and interpretation of exploration results.
Animation Window
The Results Explorer has been enhanced to allow for additional features and tools which help with the viewing and interpretation of exploration results.

Figure 7.
Scatter Plot Enhancements
Scatter plots are now available for optimization explorations.
Each set of plot points can be colored as desired.
Violated constraint coloring can be toggled, indicating points on the plot whose runs violate the selected constraint.
Selecting individual plot points will highlight the selected point's run in the summary table.

Figure 8.
Summary Table Export
Exploration summary tables, for both DOEs and optimizations, can be exported to a .csv file so they can be subsequently interrogated or saved for further use or reference.
Job Submission
Exploration runs can now be submitted to a remote machine for solving. Solver scripts can be registered, including using Altair Access Desktop or your own custom scripts.
New Responses
1D stress/strain. It is now possible to select 1D elements when creating stress and strain responses.
Mass of individual properties. Creating a mass response with no properties selected results in the mass of the entire model being used as the given response. Selecting a single property results in the mass of the selected property alone being used as the given response. Mass of individual properties is supported for OptiStruct only.
Frequency/Mode tracking. The frequency of a selected mode number will be returned as a response. A modal assurance criteria (MAC) response is created automatically to ensure that the frequency of the desired mode is returned for each run in the exploration.
Velocity. Responses can be created for nodal velocities.
Acceleration. Responses can be created for nodal accelerations.

EXODUS Interface


Sectional properties
Under the EXODUS user profile, you can define sectional properties like thickness, beam cross sectional area, moment of inertia etc. into the HyperMesh property object and it will be referred to in the component. The equivalent of solver BLOCK entity is mapped to HyperMesh property entity.
Seamless data mapping across solvers
The Comp-Propt-Mat relationship in Nastran and OptiStruct enables seamless data mapping across solvers.



Undo/Redo support for all morphing panels and commands
Morphing is now fully compatible with the global undo/redo history. All morphing actions now support undo/redo, and using any of the morphing panels will no longer clear preexisting undo/redo history.

Resolved Issues

  • Application crashes when you click update in the set panel without selecting a set.
  • Improvements are made in reading binary STL.
  • Selected HyperMesh model files fail to load in to HyperWorks 14.0 and 2019 releases.
  • Application crash associated with turning off the display entities from the browser configuration dialog.


New Features

New HyperWorks Midline workflow added for generating midlines for solid tube geometries as well as creating lines by interpolating between existing lines. Generating midlines for solid tube geometries is useful in creating seam connectors, or for simplifying 3D geometries to 1D.


“Use Parasolid” option has been added to allow users to use Parasolid geometric kernel for doing Boolean operations like combine, subtract and intersect.
Split lines by line option added for split by line method.
For easy creation of washers, washer split option added on the guidebar for split by offset lines.
Restore existing suppressed fixed points functionality added under split by parametric method.
Multiple lines can be unsplit using window selection under split by line method.
Surface – Cross extend
Added “Choose target” option item on the guidebar (previously located under options menu) for ease of use.
Fixed robustness issues related to surface offset, imprint and defeature tools.


New Features

Curve Editor
Updated design of curve editor replaces the old dialog. It now uses HyperGraph to plot curves and is easier to enter in data with copy/paste support from excel.

Figure 9.
Contexts for Systems, Properties, and Materials Assignment across multiple solver interfaces
  • New and consistent assignment and unassignment workflows.
  • Improved feedback, selection, and validity checks for the user.
  • Direct property assignment filtering based on element dimension (such as 1D, 2D, 3D).
View Toolbar Redesign
The new toolbar has easier access to element/load handle visibility and new Don’t Draw toggles for geometry & mesh that can be toggled with the ‘g’ keyboard shortcut. It can now also be docked on the left or right side of the graphics area.

Figure 10.


Descriptive messages for undo/redo actions
After executing any undo/redo operation, the message bar now displays a descriptive message of the operation.
New selection options
Faces and Edges: New toggle to switch to single facet selection, and new toggles to allow or disallow shell or solid faces.
Node by Path: New toggle to always use shortest path, or follow 1D elements if encountered in the path.
New icon for advanced selection

Figure 11.

Resolved Issues

  • Missing option for duplicating nodes via right-click menu is now restored.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to draw selection boxes after using face or edge selectors in legacy panels.

LS-DYNA Interface

New Features

New Keywords
New keywords for LS-DYNA solver have been added in the following keywords groups: *CONTROL_REQUIRE_REVISION, *CONTACT_{OPTION}, *INTERFACE_LINKING_NODE_{OPTION}, *MAT_{OPTION}.
Seatbelt Auto Extraction
Added a new feature to Auto Generate seatbelts into the Seatbelt Browser. In case the HyperMesh seatbelt metadata are not present in the solver deck, this feature enables to quickly recover of the seatbelt system without having to recreate it completely and manually. For more details on the feature, refer to section Crash and Safety > Seatbelt System > Seatbelt Auto-Extraction in the online help.
New Entity Type for Mass
Keywords *ELEMENT_MASS, *ELEMENT_MASS_NODE_SET, *ELEMENT_MASS_PART, *ELEMENT_MASS_PART_SET, *ELEMENT_INERTIA, *ELEMENT_INERTIA_OFFET were originally supported as elements, but are now mapped to an independent entity, with own IDs and icon. A specific graphic review for *ELEMENT_MASS is also available to review the nodal mass distribution. The entity state of the Solvermass entity is now considered for the mass calculation. When it is OFF, the lumped mass added by the corresponding *ELEMENT_MASS keyword is ignored. The legacy mass creation from panel is no longer available.
Keyword Export Order
Only for LS-DYNA R11.1 solver profile, the keywords order upon export is changed to a more meaningful order. Furthermore, material keywords are now exported by ascending IDs and not more by material type. This change is valid for all the LS-DYNA user profiles.
New Composite Browser
This new browser regroups all the composites features and related entities in a same location for a more efficient management of the composite models.


Updated Keywords
Existing keywords from keywords groups *CONTROL_OUTPUT, *CONTACT_{OPTION}, *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM, *KEYWORD, *MAT_{OPTION}, *RIGIDWALL_GEOMETRIC_CYLINDER, *SECTION_BEAM, *SECTION_SOLID_{OPTION}, have been updated regarding latest LS-DYNA solver version.
Element Time Step and Added Mass
Improvements have been made to the time step and numerical added mass calculation for all element types, according to the solver specific behaviors.
Model Checker
Some improvements have been made in the LS-DYNA Model Checker in terms of performances and checks coverage. Added check for *ELEMENT_MASS_PART, *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_ACCELEROMETER and *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_SLIPRING.
Mass Calculation
Performance and accuracy improvements are made while calculating mass through the Mass Details tool.

Resolved Issues

  • Now ID suffix is optional for *AIRBAG_PARTICLE, card edit or entity editor have additional check box IdOpt.
  • Curve selection fields in material are enabled to select *DEFINE_TABLE_2D, *DEFINE_TABLE_2D & *DEFINE_TABLE_3D.
  • Added improvements to *KEYWORD with memory option.
  • Field Damage evolution parameter Q1 of *MAT_ADD_EROSION is improved to handle both curve and float values which also resolves export issue.
  • Additional flags 0.0 and 1.0 added to Temperature transformation factor FCTTEM along with existing four character flags for *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM.
  • Import and export issues resolved for *ELEMENT_MASS_PART_SET when associated with *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM.
  • Fixed issue of creating invalid component while reading ANSA comments with import option active.
  • Avoid crash while reading invalid keyword options for *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL and provided import warning message.
  • Performance improvements while handling *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL.
  • Import warning message provided whenever duplicate components exist in the input deck.
  • User comments are retained in *PARAMTER keyword entity editor and maintained location upon export.
  • Advanced deletion of component will account Solvermass entity association.

Marc Interface

New Features

New Keywords

Resolved Issues

  • Assignment of elements to components with same property as per version13.
  • Import warning provided for decks imported without version card in the deck, and all the decks are imported with version card 13.0 as default.

Marine Tools

New Features

Property from CAD
A new Ribbon “CAD properties” leverages metadata stored in Parts to generate:
Material FE Realization (from metadata values)
Plates shell properties (thickness and material)
Stiffener Properties (beamsection and material)
The tool extract metadata that can be created directly while reading CAD format such as AVEVA Marine or FORAN. Context enables you to create and update properties from the same source.
Stiffener Mesh
Create context is a specialized stiffener create context which supports orphan lines and parts as selection while seeding nodes on shell elements found by proximity. Orientation can be created from metadata stored on orphan lines. Properties can also be created from metadata stored on parent part. You still have the ability to select its own property and orientation.
Orient provides a selection of orphan lines to reorient elements from metadata stored on those lines.
Offset, Pins and Review are borrowed from 1D Mesh without any changes.

Known Limitations

  • Newly added context 1D Align is not exposed yet in Stiffener Mesh.


New Features

2D Mesh Support for Element Remeshing
A new interactive Elements based remesh workflow support has been added for General 2D Mesh, CFD 2D Mesh and Panel Mesh context in HyperWorks.
Coarsen Elements

Figure 12.
Simplify a fine and complex mesh by decimating nodes/elements into a lesser and simplified coarsened mesh. Two workflows have been added for 1D and 2D applications in HyperWorks.
1D Coarsen
A new dedicated 1D coarsen context workflow added to coarsen 1D elements to the user given element size.
2D Coarsen
The improved 2D Coarsen tool.


Improved consistency in identifying beads and improvements done to preserve bead midline option to preserve existing geometry midlines or create bead midline as per user defined parameters.
Robustness improvements in capturing flanges and fillets.
Continuous improvements in mesh flow by reducing and adjusting the locations of tria elements near free edges, beads, holes and washers.
Edit Elements
Graphical previews and pre-calculations have been added relevant operations.

Figure 13.
Move nodes along feature edges has been added newly along with surface.
Drag nodes along surface or edges.
Drag nodes across edges and away from boundary.
Drag nodes normal to surface similarly all above actions are supported for node/element optimize.
Replace nodes by path added, Multi to Multi (Node Path)
Select nodes by path to relocate and replace.
Select a target node by path.
Repeat this process as many times as desired.
Left-click on a target node or click Replace on the guide bar to replace all nodes at once.

Figure 14.
Midmesh (HyperWorks only)
Added option on where to place midmesh at varying thickness sections (steps).

Figure 15.
Added option “Defeature ribs width factor” in midmesh extraction to clean rib faces which are smaller than user given width.
Find intersections in the Repair/Fill tool creates intersecting element sets for future editing/review, that are cleared automatically when repaired.
Edit Topology supports option to split 1D elements from node to any picked point on 1D edge.
Added option to align elements between two guides of surfaces or lines.
Additional option provided to define explicit flow guides used to guide the mesh direction. This enables multiple mesh pattern based on different flow guides provided.
Retain element selection options provided for the subsequent rebuild iterations. With “Keep selection: Always” provides possibility to have different mesh patterns for given election of elements.
Improve Rebuild method added which selectively improves mesh only at local areas with bad mesh flow, mesh singularities and mesh quality failures. It is recommended to first use Rebuild which regenerates mesh on selection and then iterate with Improve Rebuild.
The parameter and criteria file are now the primary driver in rebuild process for quality fixing and must be set properly.
Mesh smoothing improvements added to have uniform element sizes in rebuild.
These improvements have shown to reduce the overall manual mesh edit time in midmesh workflow by up to 20%.
Mesh density values can be changed by clicking on density display number independent of model orientation.
Improved usability of the Refine context.
Option to select discontinuous lines for aligning nodes in midmesh align tool.

Resolved Issues

  • Resolved topology connectivity related issues for 2D remeshing.
  • Addressed 2D mesh performance and robustness related issues.
  • Fixed hole-washer move-modify related segmentation fault.
  • Addressed 1D coarsening element config change issue.
  • The "Element Quality" visualization mode now properly shows the compound QI and failed elements count based only on the displayed elements.
  • Resolved a crash with the Box Trim tool when there is a mixture of first and second order elements.

Model Build

New Features

Part Matching
Allows you to create part sets CAD/FE data based on comparison criteria.


Instance Sync
A new context menu lets you sync the modified contents of the instances without need of saving modified instance first.
Upload to PDM
Upload to PDM functionality in BOM Export GUI now supports Windchill Servers.

Known Issues

  • When Legacy HyperMesh representations are imported, you might see Properties grouped as Ungrouped for some Solvers.

Model Verification

New Features

Comparison function is enhanced with auto comparison, AI comparison and plastic parts comparison.
Partial meshing and full meshing parameters added for meshing unmatched parts after CAD vs FE comparison run.
Parts grouping are added for CAD vs FE Multiple variants comparison.
Auto Comparison
“Auto” parameter is added under config/compareunifed to compare parts that are moved in 3d axis (translation, rotation, symmetry) at once. For CAD vs FE and FE vs FE the matched percentage will be displayed without coloring the unmatched elements. By default, this parameter is turned OFF. For CAD vs CAD unmatched entities will be displayed in report and transformation matrix will be exported to YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_transformationmatrix.txt file under report path.
AI Approach
“AI-approach” parameter is added under config/compareunifed to combine AI based logic for the comparison. AI and Shape based comparison will be executed simultaneously and best results will be displayed in the report. Results will be marked as (AI) without displaying unmatched entities in the reports. By default, this parameter is turned OFF.
Unmatched Ribs
“Show unmatched ribs” parameter is added to capture missing mesh at the rib area. By default, this parameter is turned OFF.


Best Match Option
For CAD vs multiple FE variant comparison, results are grouped under Part Set browser in hierarch structure. Each Set will have pair of CAD and Matched FE.
Supports HyperMesh format for CAD vs CAD comparison.
Threshold Value for Comparison
Space separated multiple threshold values are added by default 30-90% is set. Between last two values BatchMesh will be executed if “mesh-unmatched” parameter is ON.
Performance on AP242 Format
Reading and executing intersection on AP242 format has been improved to support large models.
PartNumber Column for Variant Model
PartNumber column for variant result is added in Comparison Excel report.

Known Issues

  • AI based comparison result will not show unmatched entities in red/blue color.

Resolved Issues

  • For the all verification checks auto deleting empty Part that does not have either CAD/Mesh representations.
  • PLMXML is supported directly in comparison input selection using XML option.
  • Unmatched elements in Comparison report are not shown for few cases is improved.
  • Auto rename is executed if component name includes 2byte character.
  • Auto rename will be executed if special character like “#” ”@” “+” exist in either component name or material name to avoid XML related issues.
  • Zero value is not be accepted for Comparison tolerance.

OptiStruct Interface

New Features

OptiStruct Solver Feature Enhancements
This release includes critical enhancements from OptiStruct solver features released in 2020, 2020.1.
Auto Contact for OptiStruct
A new way of detecting contact surfaces for Auto contact by extending the surfaces based on feature angle has been introduced. Additional option to update the search distance field in contact/tie card from tolerance value has also been added.
New Composite Browser
This new browser regroups all the composites features and related entities in a same location for a more efficient management of the composite models.
Plane Strain
New element types: CQPSTN and CTPSTN (both 1st and 2nd order)
New Property card: PPLANE
New Load card: PLOADE1
Temperature Dependent Material Enhancements
Convection coefficient on MAT4 can be temperature-dependent, Table input is required and referenced by the corresponding MATT4. Specific heat on MAT4 can be temperature-dependent, Table input is required and referenced by the corresponding MATT4.
Model Checker OptiStruct
The following error checks added in model checker for OptiStruct:
Elements missing property definition.
Orientation vector along axis vector, to identify beam elements defined with invalid orientation.
PJOINTG property removed from “Properties is missing material” as this property does not need material association.
Fatigue Analysis
Options for Pseudo Damage method definition in FATPARM card.
CRTDIST (critical distance) field added in PFAT card.
FATPARM card enhanced to define control no. of critical planes in multiaxial fatigue.
DSYSID enhanced to allow TABLED input
DSHAPE, label of GRID changed to TYPE=VERTEXM
PBUSH1D as option for Static Force Response
New response types added for transient response optimization and response spectrum analysis

General Enhancements

  • Corner option extended for discretization type N2S when track option is set to CONSLI in contact card
  • NLOUT card is enhanced to define desired time points output for Nonlinear subcase
  • Restart write (RESTARTW) defined at subcase level
  • Mass/Volume distribution in NSML1
  • New joint types ROTATION, CARTROTA, INPLORIE added in JOINTG elements
  • Contact card is enhanced to support cohesive zone modeling using contact through COHE continuation line and the corresponding MCOHEDID field can reference the MCOHED card
  • User defined path to write restart file in RESTARTW card
  • Bergstorm_boyce model type added in MATVE material card
  • Label field added to TABLEG card
  • Stress/Strain Output card added to request corner and gauss results together
  • STATIS/OSTATIS output option for transient analysis
  • Subcase specific parameters: W3, W4, WR4, WR4 and WRH
  • Edit/Update DDVAL from entity editor
  • Output options added for energy-related quantities in Acoustics

Resolved Issues

  • MODEL I/O card was imported correctly
  • Export issue with grid/elem having ID more than 9 characters in free format
  • Unable to create SURF card from solid face selection
  • Terminology change for MCOHED card
  • Shape variable ID changes after performing remesh in OSSMOOTH

PAM-CRASH 2G Interface

New Features

New Keywords
New keywords MATER Type 306, OPTLIS, PLY (Type 10, 15), PLY Failure Model (Type 10, 11) have been added.
New Composite Browser
This new browser regroups all the composites features and related entities in a same location for a more efficient management of the composite models.


Updated Keywords

Resolved Issues

  • Avoid moving user comments of keywords to Imported Model Documentation block.
  • Empty check on Output Block when entities referred through set is corrected.
  • PLINK elements are no more listed as free 1D elements.

Radioss Interface

New Features

New Keywords
Following new keywords are added in Radioss 2020 user profile: /ALE/ON, /ALE/OFF, /FAIL/COCKCROFT, /FRIC_ORIENT, /SENSOR/ENERGY.
New Composite Browser
This new browser regroups all the composites features and related entities in a same location for a more efficient management of the composite models.


Updated Keywords
Following keywords have been updated to the latest Radioss 2020 version: /ANIM/BRICK, /FAIL/ENERGY, /FAIL/HASHIN, /FAIL/VISUAL, /INTER/TYPE11, /INTER/TYPE19, /INTER/TYPE21, /MAT/LAW63, /MAT/LAW77, /MAT/LAW81, /MAT/LAW92, /MAT/LAW95, /MAT/LAW100, /TH/QUAD.
Model Checker
Enhancement made in the detection of Incompatible Kinematic Conditions on nodes.
Keyword Export Order
To be consistent with the export of all other keywords, the material keywords are now exported by ascending IDs and not more by material type. This change is valid for all the Radioss user profiles.
Elemental Time Step Calculation
Improvements have been made to the time step and numerical added mass calculation for all element types, according to the solver specific behaviors.

Resolved Issues

  • Error fixed on import of H3D file in the dummy pre-simulation process, for a specific dummy model.
  • Error fixed when penetration check is run twice with the option “consider edge penetrations” is activated.
  • Fixed segmentation error when selecting assembly in set and assembly view is open.

Stress Tools

New Features

Beam Config
New Design Point Config Beam is available with 3 types: Beam, Beam Member, and Beam Shell. The latter supports Freebody section as a design point which enables you to perform beam certification methods on shell elements. Two methods ship with the installation:
Beam Compressive Crippling
if sx < 0, MS = sx/Fcc -1; with Fcc= Fcy*(1- Kcrippling*(L’/ r)/p*sqrt(E/Fcy))
Beam Axial Stress
if sx > 0, MS = sx/Ftu -1; if sx < 0, MS = sx/Fcy -1
Chain Methods
A method can take its arguments as a result from a previous method. This enables you to chain methods one after the other and include some sorting (either spatial aggregation or load case enveloping). JointLoad method for Rivet is not yet a valid method for chaining.


Dockable Certification Browser
Certification browser and is now a (un)dockable browser of HyperWorks.
Contouring Method
Enhance Contouring UI to support sorting options. Depending on method output and Design Point config, values can be per load case, per layer, or on element vs. on design point.
Load case and Layer selection, if applicable, can be set to “Envelope”. The Sort key (min|max|absmin|absmax) will be applied to perform aggregation lively on Contour. Similarly, if method output is per element but you select Entity Column to “DDP” it will perform an aggregation using the same sorting key. Only one key is valid for all aggregations at a time.

Figure 16.
Consolidated Table
Whenever multiple methods are assigned to a Design Point Set, a consolidated table is added which enables you to find the most critical method per location. Method registration needs to tag one output as “Marginofsafety” to be considered a comparison key and be registered in the consolidated table. Contour invoked from Design Point Set level will select the consolidated table. Sort key will be used to compare method MS.
API to run method on mark of element
*rundesignmethod API can now run a method directly on a mark of element without Design Points.