Altair HyperCrash 2020.1 Release Notes

Solver Interfaces

Radioss Interface

New Features

New Keywords
The following new keywords have been added in the Radioss 2020 user profile:
  • /MAT/LAW113


Updated Keywords
The following keywords have been updated to in Radioss solver versions 2020 and 2020.1:
  • /MAT/LAW51
  • /MAT/LAW63
  • /MAT/LAW81
  • /MAT/LAW92
  • /MAT/LAW94
  • /MAT/LAW95
  • /MAT/LAW100
Enhancements were made to the import/export csv file with connected part IDs instead of property IDs.
Solver Conversion
The following LS-Dyna keywords are now fully supported in the conversion to the Radioss solver:
  • *MAT_119
  • *MAT_083

Resolved Issues

  • Correction of penetration check algorithm for interface TYPE7 with ivar=1.
  • Correction in unit conversion for the functions defined in /MAT/LAW66.