Altair HyperGraph 2020.1 Release Notes


New Features

The Add Stackmath Operation supports multiple arguments for individual parameters. Use the entity editor to change the parameter options.

Figure 1.
Bar plot improvements
From the 2D View Controls toolbar, click Flip XY to flip the axes and create horizontal category labels.

Figure 2.
Bar plot supports a reference curve option though the Plot Browser's entity editor. When selected, the bars will stack.

Figure 3.

New Readers

The Exodus reader in HyperGraph allows you to plot results for .frq and .ex2 files generated from the Exodus solver.
HBM Test Files
Support for HBM temperature measurement test data files. The supported file extension is .tem.
Animator .a4db
Support for .a4db files with curve data from the Animator database. HyperGraph supports LS-DYNA and Abaqus solver-based .a4db files.
Seam reader in HyperGraph allows you to plot seam results in the form of .out files. This reader is available with an environment variable (HW_ENABLE_SEAMREADER = 1).


  • Plot Browser enhancements:
    • Symbol attributes added to the Plot Browser's entity editor, visible when a curve is selected from the Plot Browser.
    • X and Y curve vector units are supported through the Plot Browser's entity editor. A units block for X and Y vectors to change curve units from the Plot Browser using the entity editor.
    • Label Prefix and Label Suffix are updated with new options MaxY and At X. Select these options in the entity editor to display the maximum Y value of the curve with the X coordinate in the legend as a label.
    • Curve prefix and suffix shortcuts in a Templex expression from the Plot Browser's entity editor. For example, a note attached to a curve can access suffix and prefix information using a Templex expression such as {p1w1c1.suffix} and {p1w1c1.suffix}.
  • Macro panels support multiple arguments for parameters.
  • Value-based curves can be exported as an RPC file, along with previously supported file-based curves.
  • Previously, if a CSV file with blank spaces was imported into HyperGraph, the reader ignored the data after the blank space. To address this, from the Plot Browser's entity editor, select Invalid Point Mode > Bridge or Gap option. Bridge handles the blank spaces by creating a bridge in the plotted curve and Gap handles the blank spaces by displaying a gap in the plotted curve.
  • HyperGraph supports RPC3 files created by a floating point format and a short integer format, reading results properly.
  • Filter added to Channel Mapping in the Flexible Report Templates dialog. Filter data types and requests with a string. Wild card support is not available.

Resolved Issues

  • Tic increment value of zero causes HyperGraph to close unexpectedly.
  • readsim function issue when sorting element IDs.
  • Requests not populating in the Build Plots dialog after loading the file into the HyperView Build Plots panel.
  • Copy/paste issue with 3D curves.
  • In the Build Plots dialog, added a filter for X vector requests.
  • Issue related to curve offset using TPL with flexible report template.
  • Acceleration time history can be plotted in HyperGraph using results from an Abaqus ODB file. The acceleration time history can then be exported as a DAC file and then imported into nCode for further data processing. When exporting the curve data to the DAC file from HyperGraph, the units were not exported properly, which caused errors during data processing.

Solver Interfaces

LS-DYNA Interface


Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
Support for airbag material leakage data (from LS-DYNA R11.1). ABSTAT
LS-DYNA BINOUT file with ELOUT subcase properly displays beam history results in HyperGraph. BINOUT


Support for legend block in DISBOUT file (from LS-DYNA R11.1). DISBOUT
Support for legend block in SSSTAT file (from LS-DYNA R11.1). SSSTAT

OptiStruct Interface


Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
Support .spcf generated from NLSTAT analysis. .spcf
Support plotting mode versus frequency directly from .out files. .out
Support acoustic analysis results from PCH files. .pch
HyperGraph reader extracts OptiStruct mass by property/component values. .out
Support for .pret and .secrec files. .pret


Export curves in the OptiStruct TABLEG format. .tableg

PAM-CRASH 2G Interface

New Features

The HyperGraph reader supports IMPLICIT domain results from Acoustic, Random response analysis results from ERFH5, and femzip ERF.FZ files. Newly supported result types include Complex Mean Internal Energy, Complex Wave Internal Energy, Mean Squared Normal Velocity, Complex Translational Acceleration, Harmonic Internal Energy, ACOUSTIC_NODE and POROUS_NODE.


Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
IMPLICIT domain results from Acoustic and Random response analysis are supported. .erfh5 and .erf.fz
Mueschenborn-Sonne Failure Criteria with Failure Risk and Alpha Factor of Material Type 127 is supported. .erfh5 and .erf.fz
User-Defined Plugin Material Type 185 Output variables results are supported. .erfh5 and .erf.fz
PLINK Time History interval curve data plot is corrected. .erfh5 and .erf.fz