Altair HyperLife 2020.1 Release Notes

New Features

Damage and Life results contour per event
Damage and Life contours are available to plot per Event in the Results Explorer. This output is optional and activated in the Preferences dialog (File > Preferences > General > Output event wise results).
Import duty cycle file
Duty cycle file (*.dcy) import is enabled in the Loadmap tool when the Load Type is Time Series. The Event list is populated retrieving information from the duty cycle file.
Critical Plane Approach for Uniaxial SN and EN method
Critical Plane Approach is available as a stress combination method under Uniaxial SN and EN method. This is supported for shell models and the number of critical planes is controlled by user input.
OP2 file support for Modal Superposition
The modal stress file (geometry) is supported for the OP2 file format (in addition to H3D file format).
Safety Factor for SN Multiaxial method
Safety Factor is available as output with SN Multiaxial analysis for constant mean stress and constant stress ratio.
(Safety Factor is calculated for Tension Damage models only.)
Renaming of Event label
Renaming of Event label/name in the Loadmap tool is enabled. The default names can be updated on user preference.
Collapse/Expand Event list
The Event list in the Loadmap tool can expand and collapse, enabling compact and detailed views.
Multiple IDs in call outs
In the Results Explorer, multiple element IDs are allowed in the entry widget.
Improved Strain Life (EN) calculation time
The Strain Life (EN) workflow is improved for significant gain in calculation time.
Updated stress combination options
Stress combination options have been updated based on industry practice and recommendations.

Resolved Issues

  • The Unit system issue while having different model and material units is resolved.
  • Application error issue with Stress combination option Morrow/Morrow2 with H3D files from MBD analysis has been resolved.
  • Issue in Loadmap tool while manual pairing/updating of PSD channels to the FRF loadcases is resolved.
  • Application error issue while rapidly switching the contexts has been resolved.
  • The issue with dynamic exit of Load model and result dialog while clicking on other tools/contexts is resolved.
  • Application crash issue with certain D3PLOT files is resolved.
  • The result contour issue when more than one Flex bodies are present is resolved.

Known Issues

  • There is a known issue with the multi-threading option for Factor of Safety (DANG VAN). The multi-threading option for Factor of Safety (DANG VAN) is disabled currently.

HyperLife Weld Certification 2020.1 Release Notes

New Features

Effective weld thickness
Effective weld thickness is enabled and exposed for user control under Points > General > Effective Weld Thickness for all the regulations (DVS 1612, EC3, and FKM).
Stress correction for weld assessment (considering Effective weld thickness)
Stress correction is set to optional and is enabled by setting the Effective weld thickness option to YES.
Assessment stress result contour (for welded evaluation only)
Assessment Stress is available under contour results in the Results Explorer. Min Stress, Max Stress, and Assessment Stress are exclusively available as contour plots.
Influence of eccentricity (shells)
Effective weld thickness equations are enabled to include the influence of eccentricity (shells). This parameter is used to consider the influence of welds which do not have the same center of cross section as indicated by the shell element in the respective evaluation location.
Selecting weld components in the graphics area
The user interface is enabled to select weld components from the graphics area.
Stress combination options for unwelded parts
Stress Combination options are enabled when the Evaluation Domain is set to Both Unwelded and Welded.
Tool tips update
Tool tips are available (with mouse hover) for welds in the Points tool/context.

Resolved Issues

  • Issue with the text report showing the correct mean stress and min/max values is resolved.
  • Issue with weld system rotation is resolved.