Abaqus Interface 2020.1 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Auto Contact for Abaqus
A new way of detecting contact surfaces for Auto contact by extending the surfaces based on feature angle is introduced.
Cohesive Element Modeling
A new cohesive element modeling is added to the special elements tool in Abaqus.


Updated Keywords
*RIGID BODY – The reference node is updated with an option to reference a node set.
*COUPLING – A node set can be used for the reference node when type is element based surface.

Resolved Issues

  • An issue with evaluating PARAMETER keyword especially if it spreads across multiple includes is resolved.
  • A *COUPLING node with surface type as node will be lost and this issue is fixed.
  • In a nested include input file the sets defined are moving out of include file. This issue is resolved and ensured that sets remain in the defined include.
  • An issue on losing the property definition as well as property getting mixed between direct and indirect definition is resolved.
  • Set of sets lost upon import and export is resolved.
  • A performance hit on Auto contact detection is improved.
  • An include file containing datalines under *FILM was not exporting, and the issue is resolved in this version.
  • A crash issue on card editing *MPC constraint is resolved.

Altair HyperView

  • HyperView now supports reading and post-processing of Abaqus 2020 ODB files.