LS-DYNA Interface 2020.1 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

New Keywords
New keywords for LS-DYNA solver have been added in the following keywords groups: *CONTROL_REQUIRE_REVISION, *CONTACT_{OPTION}, *INTERFACE_LINKING_NODE_{OPTION}, *MAT_{OPTION}.
Seatbelt Auto Extraction
Added a new feature to Auto Generate seatbelts into the Seatbelt Browser. In case the HyperMesh seatbelt metadata are not present in the solver deck, this feature enables to quickly recover of the seatbelt system without having to recreate it completely and manually. For more details on the feature, refer to section Crash and Safety > Seatbelt System > Seatbelt Auto-Extraction in the online help.
New Entity Type for Mass
Keywords *ELEMENT_MASS, *ELEMENT_MASS_NODE_SET, *ELEMENT_MASS_PART, *ELEMENT_MASS_PART_SET, *ELEMENT_INERTIA, *ELEMENT_INERTIA_OFFET were originally supported as elements, but are now mapped to an independent entity, with own IDs and icon. A specific graphic review for *ELEMENT_MASS is also available to review the nodal mass distribution. The entity state of the Solvermass entity is now considered for the mass calculation. When it is OFF, the lumped mass added by the corresponding *ELEMENT_MASS keyword is ignored. The legacy mass creation from panel is no longer available.
Keyword Export Order
Only for LS-DYNA R11.1 solver profile, the keywords order upon export is changed to a more meaningful order. Furthermore, material keywords are now exported by ascending IDs and not more by material type. This change is valid for all the LS-DYNA user profiles.
New Composite Browser
This new browser regroups all the composites features and related entities in a same location for a more efficient management of the composite models.


Updated Keywords
Existing keywords from keywords groups *CONTROL_OUTPUT, *CONTACT_{OPTION}, *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM, *KEYWORD, *MAT_{OPTION}, *RIGIDWALL_GEOMETRIC_CYLINDER, *SECTION_BEAM, *SECTION_SOLID_{OPTION}, have been updated regarding latest LS-DYNA solver version.
Element Time Step and Added Mass
Improvements have been made to the time step and numerical added mass calculation for all element types, according to the solver specific behaviors.
Model Checker
Some improvements have been made in the LS-DYNA Model Checker in terms of performances and checks coverage. Added check for *ELEMENT_MASS_PART, *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_ACCELEROMETER and *ELEMENT_SEATBELT_SLIPRING.
Mass Calculation
Performance and accuracy improvements are made while calculating mass through the Mass Details tool.

Resolved Issues

  • Now ID suffix is optional for *AIRBAG_PARTICLE, card edit or entity editor have additional check box IdOpt.
  • Curve selection fields in material are enabled to select *DEFINE_TABLE_2D, *DEFINE_TABLE_2D & *DEFINE_TABLE_3D.
  • Added improvements to *KEYWORD with memory option.
  • Field Damage evolution parameter Q1 of *MAT_ADD_EROSION is improved to handle both curve and float values which also resolves export issue.
  • Additional flags 0.0 and 1.0 added to Temperature transformation factor FCTTEM along with existing four character flags for *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM.
  • Import and export issues resolved for *ELEMENT_MASS_PART_SET when associated with *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM.
  • Fixed issue of creating invalid component while reading ANSA comments with import option active.
  • Avoid crash while reading invalid keyword options for *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL and provided import warning message.
  • Performance improvements while handling *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL.
  • Import warning message provided whenever duplicate components exist in the input deck.
  • User comments are retained in *PARAMTER keyword entity editor and maintained location upon export.
  • Advanced deletion of component will account Solvermass entity association.

Altair HyperView


Reader Enhancements
Summary Supported Format
*SET_PART_TREE assembly hierarchy supported; browser listing enables handling for visualization. d3plot
Second order shell element result support avoids further memory and crash errors. d3plot
Complete animation frames are available for compressible fluid result files. d3plot
Fixed errors while animation of some result files. d3plot

Altair HyperGraph


Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
Support for airbag material leakage data (from LS-DYNA R11.1). ABSTAT
LS-DYNA BINOUT file with ELOUT subcase properly displays beam history results in HyperGraph. BINOUT


Support for legend block in DISBOUT file (from LS-DYNA R11.1). DISBOUT
Support for legend block in SSSTAT file (from LS-DYNA R11.1). SSSTAT