Altair HyperLife 2020 Release Notes

New Features

Vibration Fatigue
Vibration fatigue analysis can be performed with the following loading options to predict fatigue in the frequency domain:
Random Response Fatigue with PSD Stress Input
PSD stress from a random response analysis is input to perform random response fatigue analysis with stress life (SN) and strain life (EN) approaches. Currently, OptiStruct (H3D) result formats are only supported as an input file.
Random Response Fatigue with PSD Input (mag and phase OR real and imag)

FRF stresses (from FRF analysis), together with PSD as loading, are input to perform random response fatigue analysis with stress life (SN) and strain life (EN) approaches. Currently, OptiStruct (H3D), Nastran (OP2), and Abaqus (ODB) result formats are supported as input files. PSD has to be input in CSV format.

Sine Sweep Fatigue
With the input swept-sine, fatigue analysis can be performed in sine sweep vibration to determine the fatigue life of the specimen with stress life (SN) and strain life (EN) approaches. Currently, OptiStruct (H3D), Nastran (OP2), and Abaqus (ODB) result formats are supported as input files.

Figure 1. HyperLife Vibration Fatigue Process
Modal Superposition
Fatigue analysis can be performed when modal stresses and modal participation factors are available in two different file inputs.

Modal stresses are multiplied by modal participation factors then summed at each point in time. The modal stress file (geometry) is supported for the H3D file format. The supported modal participation factor file formats are PCH and MRF. Currently, only time domain results (from transient analysis) are supported.

Safety Factor Estimation
“Safety Factor” is available as output with SN analysis for constant mean stress and constant stress ratio.
Temperature Influence
Temperature influence is considered based on the FKM guideline by input “Temperature factor” to modify the endurance limit for SN analysis.
Surface Finish
User-defined input value is enabled in the Material tool.
Surface Treatment
User-defined input value is enabled in the Material tool.
Seam Weld Fatigue
Two row fillet welds and overlap welds are supported (only with Time Series loading).


Setup Analysis
Type of Loading
The following fatigue loading options are available to set in the collated stress-life (SN) and strain-life (EN) tools:
  • Time Series
  • Transient Response
  • Modal Superposition
  • Random (PSD Stress)
  • Random (Input PSD with FRF)
  • Sine Sweep

One of the above options is selected based on the available fatigue loading history to be input in the Load Map tool. Time Series is set as default

Damage Models
Damage models are the different probability density functions available for vibration fatigue when the Type of Loading is set to Random.
User Warning for Supported Input File Formats
With file load or file drag-and-drop-drop together with the "Type of Loading", a warning pops up to hint you about the supported file types.
Stress Combination
Default stress combination is set to "Abs max principal".
Layer Selection
For shell models, default layer is set to "Worst".
Material Tool
The following enhancements are available in the Material tool:
  • When FOS is selected as the fatigue analysis type, the Material tool is dynamically updated and streamlined to show input parameters specific to FOS-Dang Van calculations.
  • Temperature factor: An exclusive column is added for "Temperature factor" input (based on the FKM guideline).
  • User defined Values: The UI is updated to accommodate user input values for "Surface treatment" and "Surface finish".
Load Mapping Tool
The following enhancements are available in the Load Map tool:
  • Block Loading Utility: The format has been updated for better simplified viewing when written out.
  • The LDM, Scale and offset input can’t accept zero.
  • The quasi-static load increments are available as loadsteps (under "Subcase") from OptiStruct and Abaqus simulations.

    Only the last step of the increments will be shown in “loadmap”. For result files with load increments greater than 1, they will be listed in both Static and Transient type of loading.

The following enhancements are available in the Evaluate tool:
  • Safety Factor output: Options available to request safety factor output for constant "Mean" or "Stress Ratio".
  • Target Life: When Safety Factor output is requested, Target Life can be input.
Results Context
The following enhancements are available in the results context:
  • The result contour legend is automatically reversed for Life, Safety Factor, and FOS output.
  • Rainflow data can be exported for SN and EN analyses (including Random and Sine Sweep) for the queried element.
  • Right-click options available with legend context menu.

Resolved Issues

The earlier known issue with the following solver result types are resolved with "Time Series" loading:
  • LS-DYNA results (D3PLOT)
  • Radioss results (H3D)
The earlier known issue with the following solver result types are resolved with "Transient response” (transient analysis):
  • LS-DYNA results (D3PLOT)
  • Radioss results (H3D)
  • Abaqus (ODB)

Known Issues

  • When multiple result files are loaded (with the same geometry), the loadcases (loadstep) can’t have identical names. The workaround is to create derived a loadcase with a different name using the Loadcase tool.
  • Derived loadcases are not supported with Random loading.
  • Model Superposition: A known issue exists where parts selected for analysis of large models may take a longer time. This will be addressed in the upcoming release schedules.

HyperLife Weld Certification 2020 Release Notes

HyperLife Weld Certification is a specialty module for fatigue strength assessments according to common design codes/norms and guidelines welded structures.

Design processes in rail, construction industries, and some machinery sectors rely heavily on design norms such as FKM, DVS-1612, and Eurocode-3. This HyperLife module provides an easy to use environment for CAE-driven fatigue and strength evaluation based on these popular design codes. The assessment procedures are based on nominal or local elastic stresses from Finite Element analysis.

First open the standard HyperLife, then go to File > Load > Weld Certification to launch the application.

Currently, the following procedures are supported for structures idealized with Shell(2D) elements:

FKM Guideline
The FKM guideline outlines analytical procedures for static and fatigue strength assessment of structural components made of steel, casted components, and aluminum. The procedures are available for both welded and unwelded calculations. With this release, both welded and unwelded steel structures are supported.
Eurocode 3
This is part of the European code practiced and established by the European Committee of Standardization. Eurocode 3 applies for the design of steel and aluminum structures. With this release, both welded and unwelded steel structures are supported.
DVS 1612
DVS 1612 applies to Welded joints in Railway structures published by the German Welding Society. The first release of HyperLife Weld Certification supports fatigue endurance assessment of welded joints made of steel in railway structures.
Currently, OptiStruct (FEM), Nastran (DAT), and HyperMesh binary (HM) are supported as input model files. Supported FEA result files are OptiStruct (H3D) and Nastran (OP2) formats.
Figure 2. HyperLife Weld Certification Process

New Menu System

All supported tools are organized in a ribbon, located along the top of the application. The ribbon allows you to quickly access tools and standard functions.

File Management

Opening Models
You can directly import supported FEA input and result files.


Loadcase Tool
The Loadcase tool allows you to create a derived load case from other load cases, or from a combination of other load cases and simulation steps. Import of an ASCII file is also supported to quickly create derived loadcases and a load combination file (*.lcf).


Mark Welds Tool
The Mark Welds tool enables you to detect, create, edit, and delete weld lines. Mark Welds is supported for node to node weld connection modeling. Mark Welds identifies the weld lines, classifies them, and populates the Weld Line Browser. The Weld Line Browser has several functionalities to isolate welds, edit welds, edit local weld coordinate systems, and update weld segments.
Inspect Tool
The Inspect tool enables you to screen and down select welds lines based on a user-defined threshold. The screening can be based on Von mises stress criteria or Envelop stress of multiple load cases. The down selected weld lines can be modified for selection for further detail assessment.


Specifications Tool
The Specifications tool enables you to choose a specific guideline (norm/regulation) to be used for the assessment. The following regulations are available with the first release:
  • DVS 1612 (Welds only)
  • Eurocode 3 (Welds and Unwelded)
  • FKM (Welds and Unwelded)

An additional option is available to load a pre-defined Weld Property File.

Points Tool
The Points tool enables you to assign regulation parameters to the welds. General properties, like evaluation distance and type of material, can be reviewed and updated. Also, a Weld Category can be assigned to different locations together with material allowable properties.
Materials Tool
The Materials tool dialog lists the parts/components with default fatigue parameters, which can be edited based on the required fatigue parameters specific to the selected regulation. The material dialog/context attributes are dynamically updated based on the chosen regulation. The "My material" tab enables you to define new materials, which can be applied to unwelded assessments.
Load Map Tool
The Load Map tool serves as a typical signal processing utility. The available FEA are listed and several types of durability events can be created, like envelope range definition for a set of FEA load cases and constant amplitude curves which can be paired with FEA load cases.


Evaluate Tool
The Evaluate tool enables you to select the "Evaluate Method" for a chosen load cases envelope range or defined durability event. You can also select the "Evaluate domain" (Welded and Unwelded) before submitting the run for evaluation.
Results Explorer
This is the post-processing utility to contour the results. The Weld Line Browser is available to check the utilization and evaluation status. Exclusive result contouring options for welded and unwelded parts are available. A result summary is also available in ASCII format.