Altair Inspire Extrude Metal 2020 Release Notes

Inspire Extrude 2020 includes the following new features and enhancements.

New Features: General

Improvement in Databases
In this release the database locations for material, press, and quenching are moved to a common location for better accessibility. There is also an option to choose a preferred location.
Altair Units and Altair Oneā„¢
solidThinking Units and HyperWorks Hosted Units have been replaced with Altair Units for version 2020. In addition, Altair 365 has been renamed Altair One.
User Interface Enhancements
The Inspire Extrude user interface has been updated for 2020 and features several new themes, as well as changes to selection and pre-highlighting colors. If you prefer the old background theme, just select Blue Twilight in the Preferences under Workspace > Theme.
Analysis Explorer Enhancements
The Analysis Explorer allows you to filter the results so that areas on the model with results greater than a specified value are masked. In addition, a Scale Factor option has been added to the animation settings window.

New Features: Extrusion

Improved Optimization
In this release HX-Process Computational Module is integrated seamlessly with Inspire Extrude. Input fields are editable which gives more control to the user. It is also enhanced to rerun the operation using the user's input. The export dialog is in sync with the optimum data calculated in this module and is populated at the time of export with the new data to be used in the simulation.
Enhanced Coupled Analysis Post-Processing
Tool results in coupled analysis can now be viewed in the Inspire Extrude post-processing dialog. On launching the results, the extrusion results are populated. The dialog has the option to choose the analysis type. Choosing Tool Deflection in the drop-down menu will populate the Tool Deflection results.
Fit Material Enhancement
The fit material feature in the Material dialog now has the additional capability to fit material using user input material properties. Enter the material properties as per your requirements, and the respective material will be added to the database based on the input values.

New Features: Quenching

Warpage Analysis Post-Processing
In this release, the post-processing dialog is enhanced to view Quenching and Warpage analysis results by switching one at a time.