Altair Inspire Form 2020 Release Notes

Inspire Form 2020 includes the following new features and enhancements:

New Features: General

Altair Units and Altair One™
solidThinking Units and HyperWorks Hosted Units have been replaced with Altair Units for version 2020. In addition, Altair 365 has been renamed Altair One.
User Interface Enhancements
The Inspire Form user interface has been updated for 2020 and features several new themes, as well as changes to selection and pre-highlighting colors. If you prefer the old background theme, just select Blue Twilight in the Preferences under Workspace > Theme.

New Features: Tryout

Reference System
Reference system allows you to define a stationary system live on the model and review the animation and displacement relative to this reference system while viewing visualization results. The refence system can be used to remove any rigid body rotation and translation from the displacement results. It is of significant help for visualizing springback displacements as the reference system definition acts as a fixture points and eliminates rigid body rotation and translation.
Manual Remote
Manual remote has been added as part of run options that allows user to manually copy the files to the machine/server of choice for performing the run. Manual run creates necessary files for the run in the run history location. Once the run is complete the user needs to manually copy the files back to the run history location to visualize the results.

Enhancements: Feasibility

Constraint definition on edges allows the user to toggle between a fixed constraint or a sliding constraint. A fixed constraint fixes movement along and normal to the edge in the draw direction plane. A sliding constraint allows movement along the edge and fixes only movement normal to the edge in draw direction plane.
Blank Nesting
Process material utilization was added to the nesting report to account for additional blank material needed to support the stamping process beyond the part as utilized material and not a scrap.
Part Orientation
Custom Draw-Top, Draw-Front, and Draw-Right views are created based on the defined draw direction for ease of model setup and results visualization.

Enhancements: Tryout

Property Editor
A comment section has been added allowing for user comments on the blank and tools.
Operation names can be edited with the right-click context menu. The shortened name is displayed. Also, the operation position in the sequence can be quickly modified by drag and drop thereby allowing the user to insert a new operation and modify the sequence as needed.
Guide Pins
The user can now create multiple pins while in creation context. The user can also create guide pins attached to tools of STL/FE mesh representation.
Start Operation
Start Operation has been added to Tryout runs to enable starting a run from any operation, provided the opened session has results for the operation directly preceding the selected operation for the run. Runs with a start operation other than the first operation will also have results from the first operation based on the results available at the start of the run.
Animation Frames
Frames for animation and results visualization can now be defined by the user in the Advanced options of the Run dialog. The interval between animation frames is defined as the amount of tool travel.
Material type is extended beyond steel and aluminum to user-defined names. Young's modulus can be defined as varying with plastic strain using an exponential function or with a table. Cyclic hardening of the sheet metal is now supported by the well-known Kinematic hardening law, Mixed hardening law, and Yoshida hardening law.
Part Orientation
Custom Draw-Top, Draw-Front, and Draw-Right views are created for each operation based on the defined draw direction for ease of model setup and results visualization.
File Import
Multiple CAD file imports into Inspire Form are now supported.

Enhancements: Post-Processing

Scale Factor
The displacement/deformation can be scaled by a value defined by the user.
The callouts can now be defined on the tool to list its name and its attributes. Also, callouts can now be created on local maximum with box selection.
The slider to mask the contour can now be reversed using the Flip Mask option in the hamburger menu. Additionally, the slider can be set to a user-defined value with a single click. The slider snaps to legend call values while sliding.
Tracing is supported only on displayed blanks.