Altair Inspire Studio 2020 Release Notes

Inspire Studio version 2020 includes the following new features and enhancements.
  • New Drawing environment
  • New Design Table
  • New Rebuild Surface tool
  • New Rebuild Curve tool
  • New Face Blend tool
  • New Rounded Polyline tool
  • New Offset tool in Sketching
  • New shape parameters/automation
  • New PolyNURBS Fit tool
  • New PolyNURBS Simplify tool
  • PolyNURBS border edges now respect the edges and corners
  • Added Ctrl and Shift options to control PolyNURBS edge extrusion
  • Improved Cage morphing tool
  • Improved construction history robustness
  • Added support for Trimesh
  • Added Python scripting
  • Updated I/O libraries
  • Added drag & drop in construction history
  • Improved construction history recalculation while in isolate mode
  • Added option to show only broken objects in the Browser
  • Added file drag/drop support
  • Added option for Block Groups and Unblock Groups
  • Improved management of groups
  • Rendering now starts in Real-time rendering once scene is loaded
  • Added option for both Fast and Accurate Real-time rendering
  • Various bug fixes and improvements