LS-DYNA Interface 2020 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

New Keywords
New keywords for LS-DYNA solver have been added in the following keywords groups: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT, *DATABASE, *DEFINE_FRICTION, *SET_SEGMENT
New Friction Entity and Update in Contact Keywords
*DEFINE_FRICTION_{OPTION} keywords are now supported in a dedicated entity and moved out from the Property entity type. Also, the assignment of the friction entity is enabled in the LS-DYNA contact keywords, with a new option in the entity editor.
Solver Fields Names Export
Only for LS-DYNA R11.1 solver profile, a new export option “Solver Fields Names” in export panel is added. This option is activated per default and enables to export all LS-DYNA keywords with the corresponding solver field names, which enhances the readability of the exported solver decks.


Updated Keywords
Existing keywords from keywords groups *CONTACT, *CONTROL, *DATABASE, *MAT_ADD, have been updated regarding latest LS-DYNA solver version.
Duplicate parameter names are maintained, renaming the parameter name with suffix "_1" instead of ".1". Enabled curve ID parametrization in *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_EIGENVALUE.
Model Checker
Some improvements have been made in the LS-DYNA Model Checker: performances, checks coverage and new icons to start the model checker and perform all automatic corrections.
Penetration Tool
Added new "Minimum penetration depth" option to filter out penetrations having minimum depth values.
Added new entity type selection "Elements" to perform penetration and intersection checks on selected elements.
Added new view control, "Display Only Failed and Adjacent Elements," to show neighboring entities.
The algorithm for penetrations check on component selection in case shell mesh size is smaller than component thickness has been improved to avoid reporting non-physical penetrations.
Seatbelt System Tool
A new feature in the Seatbelt System tool, allows to automatically generate cross-sections on the belt segments for post-processing of the loads in the belt after the simulation.
Pre-Simulation Tools
The update of the crash models after dummy or seat pre-simulation, by reading of the dynain file written in LS-DYNA Long format or i10 format is now enabled.

Resolved Issues

  • Correction of SSTYP and MSTYP value when SSID or MSID is of type *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL
  • Removed redundant import warning message coming after reading MAT_077_H & MAT_077_O
  • In the Penetration Check Tool, the penetration fix option “Fix penetrations (include pairs with shared nodes, if any),” accessible from the contact pairs context menu, is functional.
  • Issue fixed during deletion of Positions from the Dummy Browser
  • The algorithm for penetrations check on components selection in case the shell mesh size is smaller than the component thickness has been improved to avoid to report non-physical penetrations.
  • *DEFINE_FUNCTION was not selectable for *LOAD keywords. This is now fixed.
  • NSM attribute in *SECTION_BEAM is now considered in the mass calculation only for ELFORM value between 1 and 5.
  • Importing a LS-DYNA model when ID=0 into loads or boundary conditions keywords was not possible. This behavior is fixed and next available ID will be automatically assigned.
  • Export of *PARAMETER keywords order has been improved to avoid exporting parameters after the parameter expression they are referencing.

Altair HyperGraph


Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
Support for binout file for R11.1 of LS-DYNA binout0000
Fixed an issue with a name and ID mismatch with STBOUT file from LS-DYNA STBOUT

Altair HyperCrash


Keywords Support
Support of *COMMENT keyword is added as a new entity.

Resolved Issues

  • Correction of INCLUDE_TRANSFORM ID offset applied to *ELEMENT_MASS. Now Element ID offset is used.
  • Correction in transformation calculation of POS6P transformation using POINT.
  • Correction in result mapper when mapping thicknesses for LS-DYNA input decks.