Radioss Interface 2020 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Support of Radioss 2020 Version
New Keywords
New keywords from Radioss solver version 2019.2 and version 2020 for /ANIM, /FAIL and /MAT keyword groups have been added.
Support of Undefined Parameters
Parameters which are referenced in a Radioss keyword but not defined in the input deck are maintained in the HyperMesh session and represented as undefined.
New Friction Entity
The new Friction entity is used to support the Radioss keyword /FRICTION which allows to define a specific friction model between parts or set of parts in contacts.
New Loads Entities
All Radioss loads (/BCS, /GRAV, /INIVEL, /IMPVEL,….) are migrated to new HyperMesh entities, having their own Pool-IDs which avoids ID conflicts and automatic renumbering during Radioss model import process. The new loads entities have a dedicated vector or contour display. Along with this implementation, the Radioss BCs Manager has been removed.
New Set Segment Entity
The old Contact Surfaces entity is now migrated to the Set Segment entity. With this migration, the /SURF/SEG Radioss keywords are now directly listed in the surface SET selection, with all other /SURF types.


Updated Keywords
Existing keywords from keywords groups /ALE, /MAT, /PROP and /RBODY have been updated regarding Radioss solver version 2019.2 and version 2020.
Export of Keywords with Solver Field Names
As part of a new development for the support of the solver keywords, all Radioss Material cards are now exported properly with all solver field names.
Model Checker
Some improvements have been made in the Radioss Model Checker: performances, checks coverage and new icons to start the model checker and perform all automatic corrections.
Penetration Tool
Added new "Minimum penetration depth" option to filter out penetrations having minimum depth values.
Added new entity type selection "Elements" to perform penetration and intersection checks on selected elements.
Added new view control, "Display Only Failed and Adjacent Elements," to show neighboring entities.
The algorithm for penetrations check on component selection in case shell mesh size is smaller than component thickness has been improved to avoid reporting non-physical penetrations.
Seatbelt System Tool
A new feature in the Seatbelt System tool, allows to automatically generate cross-sections on the belt segments for post-processing of belt loading.
Dummy Browser
The dummy positioning tool supports now Radioss dummy models with /PROP/KJOINT2 joints definition.
Remove include file reference based on export status
HyperMesh only. When exporting a solver deck, references to any includes are always written to the master model even if the include itself is set to "Do Not Export."
Mass Calculation
The entity state of the Solvermass entity is now considered for the mass calculation. When it is OFF, the lumped mass added by the corresponding /ADMAS keyword is ignored.

Resolved Issues

  • During model import process, the wrong Warning message referencing to the Engine file is now corrected.
  • Issue fixed during deletion of Positions from the Dummy Browser.
  • Some invalid checks in the model checker have been removed.
  • Import warning for engine file not found has been corrected in order to appear only when it is valid.

Altair HyperGraph


Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
Fixed an issue with the name of acceleration components . T01

Resolved Issues

  • Reading multiple T0x files when the folder path is too long.
  • Reading T01 file on Linux: For some outputs, the Y components were not exposed with the correct name.
  • Shell outputs given by /TH/SHELL/SX_JJ, SY_JJ correctly exposed in Y components.

Altair HyperCrash


Keywords Support
Approximately 20 keywords updated or added for Radioss solver versions 2018, 2019, and 2020.

Resolved Issues

  • Correction in contact intersections detection.
  • Corrections made in plies handling into laminates to expose plies solver IDs and improvements made in edition and deletion of plies.