Altair Multiscale Designer 2020 Release Notes

New Features

Auto Calculate Bounds and Weights
New options have been added to the Preferences dialog to enable auto calculation for various entries based on “basic” user input including:
  • Linear Material Characterization
    • Auto calculate weights
    • Auto calculate bounds (%), user-defined percent
    • Auto calculate tolerances (%), user-defined percent
  • Nonlinear Material Characterization
    • Auto calculate bounds (%), user-defined percent
    • Auto calculate tolerances (%), user-defined percent
Support for New OptiStruct Multiscale Designer Interoperability Card MATMDS
OptiStruct has added a new card MATMDS to facilitate easy inclusion of Multiscale Designer material models within OptiStruct. The new MATMDS card enables any Multiscale Designer material model to be referenced directly via an ASSIGN card. The location to the Multiscale Designer DLL is automatically located by OptiStruct. The MATMDS card is fully supported in HyperMesh v2020, so Multiscale Designer material models can easily be included in your OptiStruct modes via HyperWorks with zero deck editing. In addition, multiscale results are annotated with proper names (i.e. Fiber e11, Matrix Eq Plastic Strain, etc.) in HyperView, so the user no longer has to reference a SDV # to know what the result is.


When exporting a Multiscale Designer material model to Abaqus, the *HOURGLASS STIFFNESS and *TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS cards are now calculated and exported.
Constituent Material Database
The Constituent Material Database dialog window now remains active on the selection of a constituent material, so that review of the selected material can be accomplished easily, and/or the selection of another constituent material can be performed. To dismiss the Constituent Material Database dialog window, click close; otherwise, the dialog window remains active for as many user selections as desired.
Multiscale Material Database
The following Multiscale Designer multiscale material models are now included and validated against the NIAR NCAMP/AGATE available material data:
  • AS4/8552 Unidirectional and Weave
  • IM7/8552 Unidirectional and Weave
  • T700/2510 Unidirectional
  • T700/E765 Unidirectional

Resolved Issues

  • The rotation matrix for calculating homogenized Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) values in Linear Material Characterization was resolved.