Define Free-shape Design Regions

Ideally, free-shape design regions should be selected where it can be assumed that the shape of the structure is most sensitive to the concerned responses.

For example, it would be appropriate to select grids in a high stress region when the objective is to reduce stress.

Free-shape design regions should be defined at different locations on the structure where it is desired for the shape to change independently. For solid structures, feature lines often define natural boundaries for free-shape design regions. Containing any feature lines inside a free-shape design region should be avoided unless the intention is to smooth the feature lines during an optimization. Likewise for a shell structure, sharp corners should not be contained inside a free-shape design region unless the intention is to smooth out such corners.

The DSHAPE card identifies the design region through the GRID continuation card, shown here:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
    GID8 GID9 etc etc      
A free-shape design region is defined on the curved edge of the plate by selecting the edge grids; the grids are free to move in the normal direction on the tangential plane.

Figure 1.
A free-shape design region is defined on a surface of the solid structure by selecting the face surface grids; the grids are free to move normal to the surface.

Figure 2.