Bulk Data Entry Defines additional material properties for viscoelastic foam tabulated material (tabulated form) for geometric nonlinear analysis.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
MATX36 | MID | E0 | NUT | NUC | RNU | I | ITOTA | ||
BETA | H | RD | KR | KD | THETA | ||||
KAIR | NP | FSCALEP | |||||||
P0 | RP | PMAX | PHI | ||||||
TIDUN | FSCAUN | EPSUN | A | B | |||||
CUTOFF | IINSTA | ||||||||
TIDL1 | TIDU1 | FSCA1 | EPSR1 | ||||||
etc | etc | etc | |||||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
MAT1 | 102 | 60.4 | 0.33 | 2.70E-06 | |||||
MATX38 | 102 | ||||||||
1.0-30 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 0.67 | ||||||
1.0 | |||||||||
4 | 1.0 | 0.0 |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
MID | Material identifier of the
associated MAT1 Bulk Data Entry. 1 No default (Integer > 0) |
E0 | Minimum tension modulus,
used for interface and time step computation. No default (Real > 0) |
NUT | Maximum Poisson's ratio in
tension. Default = 10-30 (Real > 0) |
NUC | Maximum Poisson's ratio in
compression. No default (Real > 0) |
RNU | Exponent for Poisson's
ratio computation. No default (Real > 0) |
I | Analysis formulation type flag.
(Integer) |
ITOTA | Incremental formulation
flag. Total: 0 or 1
Incremental: 2 or
Default = 0 (Integer) |
BETA | Relaxation rate for
unloading. Default = 10-30 (Real) |
H | Hysteresis coefficient for
unloading. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
RD | Damping factor on strain
rate. Default = 0.5 (Real) |
KR | Recovery model flag on
unloading for hysteresis.
(Integer) |
KD | Decay model flag,
hysteresis type.
(Integer) |
THETA | Integration coefficient
for instantaneous module update. Default = 0.67 (Real) |
KAIR | Air content computation flag.
(Integer) |
NP | Pressure curve number
(pressure vs. relative volume). No default (Integer) |
FSCALEP | Pressure curve scale
factor. No default (Real) |
P0 | Atmospheric pressure. No default (Real) |
RP | Relaxation rate of
pressure. Default = 10-30 (Real > 0) |
PMAX | Maximum air
pressure. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) |
PHI | Porosity (density of
foam/density of polymer). No default (Real) |
TIDUN | Identification number of a
TABLES1 that defines the unloading yield
stress vs. plastic strain curve "i" corresponding to
EPSRUN. No default (Integer > 0) |
FSCAUN | Unloading function scale
factor. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
EPSUN | Unloading strain rate
(must be greater than
EPSR1). (Real) |
A | Exponent for stress
interpolation. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
B | Exponent for stress
interpolation. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
CUTOFF | Tension cutoff
stress. Default = 1030 (Real > 0) |
IINSTA | Material instability
control flag.
(Integer) |
EFINAL | Maximum tension
modulus. Default = E0 (Real) |
EPSFIN | Absolute value of strain
at final modulus. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
LAMBDA | Modulus interpolation
coefficient. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
Maximum viscosity. 15 Default = 1030 (Real) |
TOL | Tolerance on principal
direction update. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
TIDLi | Identification number of a
TABLES1 Bulk Data Entry that defines the
loading yield stress vs. plastic strain curve "i" corresponding to
EPSRi. Separate functions must be defined for
different strain rates. No default (Integer > 0) |
TIDUi | Identification number of a
TABLES1 Bulk Data Entry that defines the
unloading yield stress vs. plastic strain curve "i" corresponding to
EPSRi. Separate functions must be defined for
different strain rates. Unloading functions
TIDUi are used only if the unloading
curve TIDUN is not defined.
No default (Integer > 0) |
FSCAi | Scale factor for
TIDLi and TIDUi. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
EPSRi | Strain rate(s) for
TIDLi and TIDUi. Note: EPSRi is (are) referred to as
in the
(Real) |
- The material identification number must be that of an existing MAT1 Bulk Data Entry. Only one MATXi material extension can be associated with a particular MAT1.
- MATX38 is only applied in geometric nonlinear analysis subcases which are defined by ANALYSIS=EXPDYN. It is ignored for all other subcases.
- Nominal stresses are computed by
interpolation from input functions:
(1) for given , read two values of functions with immediate availability for the two immediately lower and higher strain rates.
Figure 1. Two Strain Rate Curves (up to five may be input)The interpolation function is defined as:(2) Where, , and input are positive in compression, and refers to the ESPRi stain rate data.
The parameters A and B define the shape of the interpolation function within each interval. If A = B = 1, the interpolation is linear.
The curves are always nominal stresses versus engineering strains.
- If E0 is not defined, E on MAT1 card is used instead; if NUC is not empty, NU on the MAT1 card is used instead.
- The strain is negative in compression. The tensile stress can either be negative or positive. The absolute stress value is used in the material law.
- A "coupled" set of principal nominal
stresses is computed with anisotropic Poisson's ratios:
(3) In tension ( ), and in compression.Where,(4) Where, .
- I = 1: For compression, Young's modulus E0 and Poisson's ratio NUC are used. Whereas, in tension the instantaneous Young's modulus ratio ET is used. The other data is ignored (especially, no viscous effect can be expected).
- Hysteresis is only applied in compression,
using the relation:
(5) - When KAIR = 1:If NP ≠ 0:
(6) Where refers to the function number NP.
If NP = 0:(7) Relaxation is applied as:(8) Where, is the relaxation rate of pressure and is the time.
- If the unloading curve is not defined (TIDUN=blank) when unloading, then TIDUi are used. If both TIDUN and TIDUi are not defined, then is computed from loading curve one (TIDL1).
- If the unloading curve (TIDUN/TIDUi) is defined, is interpolated between curve 1 (TIDUL1) and curve TIDUN. In this case, curve 1 (TIDUL1) must correspond to a quasi-static state.
- If TIDUN > 0 and the unloading strain rate is equal to the quasi-static curve 1 (TIDUL1), the TIDUN curve is used for unloading.
- E0 <
EFINAL is the absolute value of the strain corresponding to the maximum compression modulus.
- The instantaneous modulus is only used for tension.
- If
is input, interpolated stress will be limited by
this value to have a larger timestep:
(9) - The behavior is strain rate independent when the stress function interpolation is conducted for a queried strain rate ( ) that is lower than the strain rate specified via EPSR1 ( ), and strain rate independence occurs, if .
- This card is represented as a material in HyperMesh.