Minimum Member Size Control

Although minimum member size control penalizes the formation of small members, results that contain members significantly under the specified minimum member size can still be obtained.

This is because a small member in the structure can be very important to the load transmission and may not be removed by penalization. Minimum member size control functions more as a quality control than a quantity control.

A discrete solution is achieved in two iterative steps. The first step converges to a solution with a large number of semi-dense elements. The second step tries to refine this solution to a solution with fully dense members. Each step consists of a number of iterations. The first step consists of two entire convergence phases - the first run with the initial discreteness values (defined by DISCRETE and DISCRT1D parameters on the DOPTPRM Bulk Data Entry), followed by a run with the discreteness values increased by 1.0. This procedure is implemented in order to achieve a solution with clearly defined members. If this step could not create a solution with clearly defined members, the preferred minimum member size will not be preserved in the second step. In which case, you need to increase the discreteness parameters and/or reduce the convergence tolerance (defined by the OBJTOL parameter on the DOPTPRM Bulk Data Entry) to improve the solution of the first phase. The default discreteness is set to 1.0 for 1D elements, plates and shells, and 2.0 for 3D solids.

In general, once MINDIM is activated, checkerboarding is controlled by the methods applied for this feature, eliminating the need for the CHECKER parameter. In rare circumstances, checkerboards may still be introduced in the second phase described above for 3D solids. If this happens, an additional checkerboard control algorithm can be activated with the MMCHECK parameter. (The CHECKER and MMCHECK parameters are defined using the DOPTPRM Bulk Data Entry).

The use of this card will assure a checkerboard-free solution, although with the undesired side effect of achieving a solution that involves a large number of semi-dense elements, similar to the result of setting CHECKER equal to 1. Therefore, use this card only when it is necessary.

It is recommended that MINDIM be at least 3 times, and no greater than 12 times, the average element size for all elements referenced by that DTPL (or all designable elements when defined on DOPTPRM). The average element size for 2D elements is calculated as the average of the square root of the area of the elements, and for 3D elements, as the average of the cubic root of the volume of the elements.

This recommendation is enforced when combined with other manufacturing constraints, and if the defined MINDIM is less than this value, it will be reset to a default value equal to 3 times the average element size. Similarly, if the defined MINDIM is larger than 12 times the average element size, it will be reset to a value equal to 12 times the average element size. This limit has been set to trim memory requirements that can become too large as a result of having to keep track of a much larger number of elements needed to satisfy the MINDIM constraint. In structures where the mesh is aligned with the draw or extrusion direction, setting MTYP as ALIGN on the MESH continuation line of the DTPL card may circumvent this constraint.

The following examples demonstrate significant improvement in the manufacturability of results through the use of minimum member size control:
  • Michell-truss Example
  • MBB-Beam Example
  • Arch Example
  • 3D Bridge Model Example