Bulk Data Entry Defines the information to select the degree of freedom for monitoring of nonlinear analysis.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
MONITOR SID GID C            


Field Contents SI Unit Example
SID Nonlinear Monitoring Entry identification number.

No default (Integer > 0)

GID Grid point identification number for which the displacement results are being monitored.

Default = blank (Integer > 0)

C Degree of freedom of grid GID for which the displacement results are being monitored. The displacement value is output in the Global Coordinate System. The Global Coordinate System in OptiStruct is a collection of all local coordinate systems in the model (CD on GRID entry).

No default (Integer > 0)



  1. Additional monitoring results via the MONITOR entry are output to the <filename>.monitor and <filename>_ld.monitor files.
  2. The <filename>.monitor and <filename>_ld.monitor files are output by default for any nonlinear analysis; however, the displacement results for a particular DOF are output only if the MONITOR Bulk Data and Subcase Information Entries are specified.
  3. The MONITOR Bulk Data Entry should be selected by a MONITOR Subcase Information Entry.