Subcase Information Entry This NLMON Subcase Information Entry can be used to activate Nonlinear Monitoring for a subcase by referencing a corresponding NLMON Bulk Data Entry.


NLMON = option


Argument Options Description
option <ID >

No default

Set identification number of an NLMON Bulk Data Entry.


  1. NLMON output consists of two parts, nonlinear runtime displacement results monitoring via the <filename>_nl.h3d file, and additionally convergence table information for the specified intervals which is output to the .out file (and visualized via the os_out_file_parser.tcl script in HyperView). The convergence table information is currently only supported for Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis. For more information, see Runtime Monitoring.
  2. NLMON is currently supported for Small and Large Displacement Nonlinear static and Large Displacement Nonlinear Transient analysis only. By extension to Nonlinear Transient Analysis, it is also supported for Structural Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI).
  3. In addition to the <filename>.h3d file generated at the end of analysis, for subcases with NLMON turned on a second result file named filename_nl.h3d is written during runtime, and this file can be used to monitor progress of the solution.
  4. For subcases with NLMON turned on, extra diagnostic information on iteration and convergence will be printed in the .out file.