Optimization of Composite Structures

A comprehensive optimization solution aimed at guiding and simplifying the design of laminate composite structures.

The solution includes the following optimization phases and associated techniques:
  • Phase I - Concept. Free-sizing optimization is used to generate design concepts, while considering global responses and optional manufacturing constraints.
  • Phase II - System. Sizing optimization, with ply-based modeling, is performed to control the thickness of each ply bundle, while considering all design responses and optional manufacturing constraints.
  • Phase III - Detail. Ply-stacking optimization is applied to determine the detailed stacking sequence, again while considering all behavioral responses, manufacturing constraints and various ply book rules.

While these techniques can be applied independently, it is recommended to use them together as a three-phase integrated process guiding the design from concept to completion. This is particularly important when manufacturing constraints are involved. In order to satisfy such constraints at the finishing stage, they should be incorporated at the beginning so that the design concept can be carried forward. Automated tools are provided to facilitate the transition between the design optimization phases.