Bulk Data Entry The old and new location of moved shell grid points are printed if SEP1XOVR = 16.

Parameter Values Description
SEP1XOVR <0, 16>
0 (Default)
The parameter is not present in the deck.
The old and new location of moved shell grid points are printed if SEP1XOVR = 16, when the RSSCON shell-to-solid element connector is used. By default, the moved shell grid points are not printed, SEP1XOVR = 0.
The internally generated RBE2 elements are printed when SEP1XOVR=16 when RBE2GS entries are present in the model. These internally generated RBE2 elements are printed in a separate <filename>.rbe2gs.fem file.


  1. This parameter cannot be specified in the input deck without a value. OptiStruct will error out in this case.