
Instances are multiple copies of a part that are exactly the same as the part itself in all respects.

Currently, part instancing in OptiStruct is available as a logical extension to the part inclusion process. A direct approach to part instancing will be available in a future release.

Create instances of a Part

To create an additional instance of an existing part, the part inclusion process can be repeated.

For example, to create an additional instance of the part "CrankShaft", the BEGIN FEMODEL and END FEMODEL statements are repeated. The same set of include files (using the INCLUDE entry) are repeated inside multiple part definitions.

BEGIN, FEMODEL, CrankShaft_1 include "CrankS_a.fem" include "CrankS_b.fem" END, FEMODEL, CrankShaft

BEGIN, FEMODEL, CrankShaft_2 include "CrankS_a.fem" include "CrankS_b.fem" END, FEMODEL, CrankShaft