.#.rnf file

The .#.rnf is an OptiStruct ASCII format results file.

File Creation

This file is created when the OPTI format is chosen on or in conjunction with RNFLOW I/O Options Entry for Fatigue Analysis. The # is the corresponding Fatigue subcase ID and separate .rnf files are created for multiple Fatigue Subcases (Refer to I/O Options RNFLOW, FORMAT and OUTPUT).

File Contents

This file contains Rainflow Cycle count history for each Fatigue subcase. The information is printed as a separate table for each element in the model (for RNFLOW=ALL) or separate tables for each element in the selected element set (for RNFLOW=SID). The printed tables vary in content depending on the type of Fatigue solution being run. Currently, .rnf file output is supported for Static, Transient, Sine-Sweep, and Random Response Fatigue analyses.