Rotor Dynamics
Rotor Dynamics is the analysis of structures containing rotating components.
The dynamic behavior of such structures is influenced by the type and angular velocity of rotating components and their locations within the model. Rotor dynamics is available in OptiStruct for modal frequency response, complex eigenvalue, static, linear direct transient and small displacement nonlinear direct transient analyses.
Figure 1. Application of Rotor Dynamics Analysis
In Figure 1, the rotating components of the structure are the shafts on which gears are mounted. The design of the rotors and their angular frequencies can affect the dynamic response of the structure. Any design will most likely lead to asymmetrical mass distribution about the rotor axes. This unbalanced mass, even if it is not significant, can result in deflection of the rotor depending on various factors. The magnitude of these deflections will be augmented when the rotating speed of the shafts equals the natural frequency of the structure (Resonance), and can lead to catastrophic failure of the system.
The Rotor Dynamics functionality is activated in OptiStruct with the use of the RGYRO Subcase Information Entry (RGYRO=ID). This RGYRO entry references the identification number of a RGYRO Bulk Data Entry. Related Bulk Data Entries, RSPINR, UNBALNC, ROTORG and RSPEED are defined in the model for Rotor Dynamics. Parameters PARAM,GYROAVG, PARAM,WR3, and PARAM,WR4 are also used.
A rotor is a structure that rotates about its own axis at a specific angular velocity. If a lateral force is applied to the rotor, it will deform in the lateral direction. This deformation is dependent on various factors, such as, magnitude of the applied force, rotor material properties, stator stiffness, and damping within the system. Due to rotor rotation, the deformed rotor will also whirl about an axis.
Synchronous and Asynchronous Analysis
Figure 2. Types of Whirl and the Two Analysis Types that are Dependent on the Angular Frequency of a Rotor
Forward Whirl and Backward Whirl
The type of whirl depends on the spin direction of a rotor. If the rotor spin direction is the same as that of its whirl direction, then it is termed as forward whirl. If the rotor spin direction is opposite to the whirl direction, it is termed as backward whirl. In complex eigenvalue analysis, you can determine and differentiate between the modes of a structure undergoing backward whirl and forward whirl.