MUMPS (Multi-frontal Massively Parallel Solver) is a sparse solver for symmetric or unsymmetric matrix runnable in both shared memory and distributed memory computers. MUMPS is an implementation of multi-frontal approach of Gaussian elimination.

MUMPS utilizes the dynamic distributed scheduling scheme for MPI parallelization, as well as the OpenMP parallelization for each process, which makes it highly scalable for large models. It is recommended to run MUMPS in OptiStruct domain decomposition mode specifying multiple threads for each MPI process.

MUMPS has various fill-in reducing algorithms. METIS is chosen by default, however, try PORD for pure shell models. The different fill-in reducing algorithm can be selected via the MUMPSORDM field in SOLVTYP Bulk Data Entry.

MUMPS is the default solver for Nonlinear Static and Nonlinear Transient Analysis. MUMPS is also the default for DDM runs.

The min-core option for the model is not supported for MUMPS runs.