Specialized Result Outputs

Keyword Description Default Frequency Affected Files Options Details
ADAMSMNF Output of flexible body to a modal neutral file for MSC.ADAMS. 17 - *.mnf <YES, NO>

Default = YES

HGFREQ Frequency Analysis output presentation for HyperGraph. 3 FL *_freq.mvw,




- -
HGTRANS Transient Analysis output presentation for HyperGraph. 2 3 28 - *_tran.mvw,





- -

Multibody Dynamics output presentation for HyperGraph. 2 3

- *_mbd.mvw,




- -
HGEFFMASS Effective mass is output as a HyperGraph bar chart via the BAR option (default), or as a HyperGraph XY plot via XY option. - *.mass,


- -
HGMODFAC Modal participation factor output presentation for HyperGraph 3D. 14 FL *_modal.mvw,



Default = REGULAR

MASSPROP Controls the output of Center of Gravity and Mass Moments of Inertia tables based on properties to .out file. 20 FL *.out - The center of gravity is specified in the basic coordinate system. The Mass Properties are with respect to the center of gravity of the item.
MASSCOMP Controls the output of mass based on HyperMesh components to the .out file. FL *.out - -
REGCOMPL Controls the output of regional compliance table to .out file.   *.out <YES, NO>

Default = YES

KPI Controls the output of Key Performance Indicators to .kpi file (ASCII). FL *.kpi -  
MATRIX Controls the output of Stiffness, Mass, and Grid-to-DOF mapping matrices to .full.mat and .reduced.mat files (ASCII). - *.reduced.mat,


Option 1:


No default

Option 2:


Default = DENSE
The FULL and REDUCED options control whether the full or reduced stiffness/mass matrices are output to the .full.mat and .reduced.mat ASCII files.

An additional optional control, DENSE and SPARSE allows control over whether to output the fully dense matrices or to only output the sparse matrices (without zeros).

PCOMP Output equivalent PCOMPG from the ply-based modeling (STACK/PCOMPP) input. - *.pcomp - This is supported for analysis and optimization. The Frequency option is not supported for this keyword.