Symbolic Substitution

Symbolic substitution provides flexibility to modify the input file to use parameterized input to define various data fields across the model.

Currently, only real-valued data fields of entries in the Bulk Data section are supported for parameterization using symbolic substitution. Data fields in the Bulk Data section can be controlled using such parameterized input variables, which allows for rapidly manipulating certain key model attributes to conduct studies on how the response of the model varies based on these attributes.

Symbolic substitution can be defined using the following keywords:
%setrepsym <variable_name> = <variable_value>
%defrepsym <variable_name> = <variable_value>
%setrepsym creates a variable for symbolic substitution and %defrepsym creates a default variable for symbolic substitution. The symbolic variables can be unset using the following keywords, respectively.
%unsetrepsym <variable>
%undefrepsym <variable>
The syntax for using the symbolic variables in the fields of a Bulk Data Entry is:

Multiple variables are allowed, and the same variable can also be used for multiple parameterizations on multiple Bulk Data Entries. Additionally, multiple parameterizations on the same Bulk Data Entry is also supported.