Pattern Grouping Options

There are over 70 pattern grouping options and variations available for topography optimization.

A summary of the major categories:
Variable grouping pattern Pattern Option Type # Required Vector Definitions Description
None - 0 - Variables grouped as points.
One plane symmetry - 10 One Reflection of variables across one plane normal to first vector.
Two plane symmetry - 20 Two Reflection of variables across two planes, one normal to the first vector and one normal to second vector.
Three plane symmetry - 30 Two Reflection of variables across three planes, one normal to first vector, one normal to the second vector and one perpendicular to both vectors.
Linear - 1 One Variables grouped as lines extending in direction of first vector.
+1 plane 21 Two Reflection of variables across one plane normal to second vector.
+2 planes 31 Two Reflection of variables across two planes, one normal to second vector and one perpendicular to both vectors.
Circular - 2 One Variables grouped as circles around anchor node lying in a plane normal to first vector.
+1 plane 12 One Reflection of variables across one plane normal to first vector.
Planar - 3 One Variables grouped as planes extending normal to first vector.
+1 plane 13 One Reflection of planes across plane normal to first vector.
Radial 2D - 4 One Variables grouped as rays extending radially and normal to first vector.
+1 plane 14 One Reflection of rays across plane normal to first vector.
+2 planes 24 Two Reflection of rays across two planes, one normal to the first vector and one normal to second vector.
+3 planes 34 Two Reflection of rays across three planes, one normal to first vector, one normal to the second vector and one perpendicular to both vectors.
Cylindrical - 5 One Variables grouped as endless cylinders extending along and centered around first vector.
Radial 2D & Linear - 6 One Variables grouped as a combination of radial and linear patterns.
+1 plane 26 Two Reflection of radial planes across plane normal to second vector.
+2 planes 36 Two Reflection of radial planes across plane normal to both first and second vectors.
Radial 3D - 7 - Variables grouped as rays extending radially outward from anchor node.
+1 plane 17 One Reflection of rays across plane normal to first vector.
+2 planes 27 Two Reflection of rays across two planes, one normal to the first vector and one normal to second vector.
+3 planes 37 Two Reflection of rays across three planes, one normal to first vector, one normal to the second vector and one perpendicular to both vectors.
Vector defined - 8 - Variables grouped along vectors defined by the draw vectors of the individual nodes.
+1 plane 18 One Reflection of variables across plane normal to first vector.
+2 planes 28 Two Reflection of variables across two planes, one normal to the first vector and one normal to second vector.
+3 planes 38 Two Reflection of variables across three planes, one normal to first vector, one normal to the second vector and one perpendicular to both vectors.
Cyclical 1 - 40,41 Two Cyclical repetition of variables about axis defined by first vector.
+1 plane 50,51 Two Reflection of variables across one plane normal to first vector.
+ linear 60,61 Two Cyclically repeated variables grouped as lines extending in direction of first vector.
+ radial 70,71 Two Cyclically repeated variables grouped as rays extending radially and normal to first vector.
+ radial & linear 80,81 Two Cyclically repeated variables grouped as a combination of radial and linear patterns.
These options can be used with shell and solid models to create reinforcement patterns that obey manufacturing constraints and which conform to the shapes of the parts. Examples of pattern grouping options are given in the following sections:
  1. Cross-section Optimization of a Spot Welded Tube
  2. Optimization of the Modal Frequencies of a Disc Using Constrained Beading Patterns
  3. Multi-plane Symmetric Reinforcement Optimization for a Pressure Vessel
  4. Shape Optimization of a Stamped Hat Section
  5. Shape Optimization of a Solid Control Arm
  6. Using Topography Optimization to Forge a Design Concept Out of a Solid Block
1 For cyclical symmetry, the UCYC parameter (field 30) controls the number of repetitions (and thus the repetition angle) for the cycles. If the TYP option selected for cyclical symmetry is 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80, the cyclical repetition pattern will be non-reflective. If the TYP option selected for cyclical symmetry is 41, 51, 61, 71, or 81, the cyclical repetition pattern will be reflective.