Auto Compare
Auto Compare allows you to do the following:
- Verify consistency of data and command files, discover issues with functionality and API's in the complete work flow during HyperMesh interactive operations (captured through scripts)
- Compare data (summary of model (mass, inertia, and so on)).
- Model setup - setup material, properties, loading boundary conditions.
- Verification and validation comparing:
- Signature (reference)
- HyperMesh exported solver files from scripts.
- Spontaneously generate reference files and compare them.
- Legacy scripts verification and validation
Reference Version (any HyperMesh version)
- Use case 1
- Compare any HyperMesh version output and
reference files compared with output and reference files.
Figure 1. - Use case 2
- Current and reference HyperMesh versions -
no reference file required.
- Current version and reference version output and reference files are compared.
Figure 2. - Use case 3
- Current and reference HyperMesh versions.
- Step1 - Reference version output and reference files compared with output and reference files.
- Step2 - Current version and reference version output and reference files are compared.
Figure 3.