Result Comparison HW Template
Based on the template content, model results are compared for a specific animation/contour set and/or time history/plot data. User-defined templates include a set of results for comparison and are processed based on this information. Comparisons can be across all scalar, tensor, and vector results, and for all nodal and elemental results.
HW Template: Animation/contour data plus time history/plot data for both solver versions
Here, both sets of results are loaded through the template and results are compared across solver versions or design iterations are executed.

Figure 1.
HW Template: One set of results - time history/plot data
Here, one set of results are loaded through the template and results are compared across solver versions or design iterations are executed. Only the time history/plot data are in the template. A second set of time history/plot results are loaded externally for comparison.

Figure 2.
HW Template: One set of results animation/contour data
Here, one set of results are loaded through the template and results are compared across solver versions or design iterations are executed. Only the animation/contour data are in the template for comparison. A second set of animation/contour results are loaded externally for comparison.

Figure 3.
HW Template: Animation/contour data plus time history/plot data for one set of results
Here, one set of results are loaded through the template and results are compared across solver versions or design iterations are executed. Both animation/contour data along with time history/plot data are in the template for comparison. A second set of results for both animation/contour data along with time history/plot data are loaded externally for comparison.

Figure 4.