HyperWorks CFD User's Guide
  • 2
    • 2D surface mesh, create[1]
  • .
  • A
    • Abaqus element quality calculation[1]
    • ACIS reader[1]
    • AcuConsole[1][2]
    • AcuSolve[1]
    • AcuSolve MotionSolve HyperWorks CFD[1]
    • adjust the view[1]
    • advanced mesh settings[1]
    • Altair EDEM HyperWorks CFD[1]
    • angle, measure[1]
    • angle refinement, define[1]
    • angle tool[1]
    • ANSYS element quality calculation[1]
    • appearance preferences[1]
    • append and remove objects from a selection[1]
    • application preferences[1]
    • assemblies[1]
    • assign materials[1]
    • assign metadata[1]
    • assign participating media[1]
    • assign solar radiation to surfaces[1]
    • assign surface finishes[1]
    • assign tool[1]
    • atmospheric inlets, define[1]
    • atmospheric tool[1]
    • auto_wall[1]
    • AVEVA Marine reader[1]
  • B
    • baffles tool[1]
    • baffle surfaces, define[1]
    • batch mesh[1]
    • batch tool[1]
    • bodies[1]
    • boolean: combine tool[1]
    • boolean: intersect tool[1][2]
    • boolean: subtract solids[1]
    • boolean: subtract tool[1]
    • boolean tool[1]
    • boundaries[1]
    • boundary condition types[1]
    • boundary layer, define[1]
    • boundary layer tool[1]
    • bounding solids, create[1]
    • box, create[1]
    • box mesh zone[1]
    • browsers[1]
    • browsers preferences[1]
    • b-spline geometry[1]
    • by component hierarchy[1]
    • by property hierarchy[1]
  • C
    • cad cleanup tolerance[1]
    • cad export[1]
    • cad export message files[1]
    • cad export options[1]
    • cad import[1]
    • cad import difficulties[1]
    • cad import message files[1]
    • cad import options[1]
    • cad metadata naming[1]
    • cad reader, nx[1]
    • cad reader, nx native[1]
    • cad reader, nx third party[1]
    • cad readers, supported[1]
    • cad writers, supported[1]
    • cap openings[1]
    • CATIA reader[1]
    • center of rotation[1]
    • change the color of parts and assemblies[1]
    • change the sliver surface threshold[1]
    • circles, create and edit[1]
    • circles tool[1]
    • cleanup geometry[1]
    • color mode settings[1]
    • colors preferences[1]
    • combine, subtract, intersect, detach solids[1]
    • combine lines[1]
    • combine lines tool[1]
    • combine solids[1]
    • combine solids using the context menu[1]
    • combine tria[1]
    • constant tool[1]
    • constant velocity inlets, define[1]
    • constraints[1]
    • context menu[1]
    • convert geometry[1]
    • convert pre-existing functions[1]
    • converts solid bodies to surface bodies[1]
    • converts surface bodies to solid bodies[1]
    • convert tool[1]
    • create 2D surface mesh[1]
    • create a box mesh zone[1]
    • create a cylinder mesh zone[1]
    • create and edit 2D surface mesh interactively[1]
    • create and edit circles[1]
    • create and edit line[1]
    • create and edit local mesh with further control[1]
    • create and edit polylines[1]
    • create and edit rectangles[1]
    • create and edit squares[1]
    • create a new part[1]
    • create a sphere mesh zone[1]
    • create bounding solids[1]
    • create box[1]
    • create cylinder[1]
    • create element[1]
    • create geometry[1]
    • create heat sources[1]
    • create lines tool[1]
    • create local mesh by defining size[1]
    • create materials[1]
    • create momentum sources[1]
    • create multiplier functions[1]
    • create new files[1]
    • create nodes[1]
    • create parameters[1]
    • create participating media models[1]
    • create plots[1]
    • create points[1]
    • create points/nodes tool[1]
    • create polylines tool[1]
    • create reference frames[1]
    • create solar radiation models[1]
    • create sources[1]
    • create species sources[1]
    • create sphere[1]
    • create surface finishes[1]
    • create zone mesh[1]
    • Creo reader[1]
    • criteria settings[1]
    • cross extend surfaces[1]
    • custom ribbons, manage[1]
    • custom view, recall[1]
    • custom view, store[1]
    • cutout, remove[1]
    • cylinder, create[1]
    • cylinder mesh zone[1]
  • D
    • deactivate mesh controls[1]
    • defaults tool[1]
    • default wall conditions, define[1]
    • default wall tool[1]
    • defeature: batch tool[1]
    • defeature: cuts tool[1]
    • defeature: fillets tool[1]
    • defeature: holes tool[1]
    • defeature: logos tool[1]
    • defeature: small features tool[1]
    • defeature geometry[1]
    • defeature tool[1]
    • define angle based refinement criteria[1]
    • define atmospheric inlets[1]
    • define baffle surfaces[1]
    • define boundary layer settings[1]
    • define Cartesian porous media[1]
    • define constant velocity inlets[1]
    • define cylindrical porous media[1]
    • define default surface conditions, thermal[1]
    • define default wall conditions[1]
    • define edge mesh size[1]
    • define external radiation[1]
    • define external surface motion[1]
    • define fan components[1]
    • define far field conditions[1]
    • define field output frequency[1]
    • define free surfaces[1]
    • define gap based refinement criteria[1]
    • define guided motion[1]
    • define heat exchanger components[1]
    • define interface surfaces[1]
    • define interpolated motion[1]
    • define line rakes[1]
    • define local wrap controls[1]
    • define mass flow rate[1]
    • define mesh controls[1]
    • define moving walla[1]
    • define multipliers[1]
    • define nodal initial conditions by box[1]
    • define nodal initial conditions by cylinder[1]
    • define nodal initial conditions by plane[1]
    • define nodal initial conditions by sphere[1]
    • define nodal initial conditions by zones[1]
    • define no slip walls[1]
    • define orientation[1]
    • define outlets[1]
    • define parameters[1]
    • define part-based initial conditions[1]
    • define participating media external boundaries[1]
    • define participating media interface surfaces[1]
    • define participating media models[1]
    • define periodic boundaries[1]
    • define planar slip motion[1]
    • define porous domains[1]
    • define pressures[1]
    • define probe points[1]
    • define profiled inlets[1]
    • define proximity refinement controls[1]
    • define radiation at openings[1]
    • define radiation output[1]
    • define rigid body motion[1]
    • define rotational motion[1]
    • define rotational periodic conditions[1]
    • define slip walls[1]
    • define solar radiation models[1]
    • define spherical porous media[1]
    • define stagnation pressure[1]
    • define static pressure[1]
    • define streamwise periodic conditions[1]
    • define surface-based initial conditions[1]
    • define surface finishes[1]
    • define surface mesh size[1]
    • define surface monitors[1]
    • define symmetry conditions[1]
    • define the material library[1]
    • define thin solids[1]
    • define time history output[1]
    • define translational motion[1]
    • define translational periodic conditions[1]
    • define volume mesh local settings[1]
    • define volume monitors[1]
    • define volumetric flow rate[1]
    • delete element[1]
    • delete empty assemblies[1]
    • delete empty parts[1]
    • delete materials[1]
    • delete multiplier functions[1]
    • delete parameters[1]
    • delete participating media models[1]
    • delete plots[1]
    • delete solar radiation models[1]
    • delete surface[1]
    • delete surface finishes[1]
    • derived motion[1]
    • direct motion[1]
    • disconnect solids[1]
    • discrete geometry[1]
    • discrete geometry, manage[1]
    • domain[1]
    • drag/spin tool[1]
    • drag and spin[1]
    • drag tool[1][2]
    • drag tria[1]
  • E
    • edge, swap[1]
    • edge mesh, define[1]
    • edge suppress[1]
    • edge tool[1]
    • edit 2D surface mesh elements[1]
    • edit: create tool[1]
    • edit: density tool[1]
    • edit: move tool[1]
    • edit: replace tool[1]
    • edit: smooth tool[1]
    • edit: split tool[1]
    • edit and delete parameters using the group legend[1]
    • edit geometry[1]
    • edit materials[1]
    • edit multiplier functions[1]
    • edit plots[1]
    • element, create[1]
    • element, delete[1]
    • element, edit edge density[1][2]
    • element, edit mapping method[1]
    • element, edit mesh biasing[1]
    • element, edit mesh type[1]
    • element, edit size[1][2]
    • element, edit size distribution[1]
    • element, optimize[1]
    • element, smooth[1]
    • element, split[1]
    • element output[1]
    • enter data using a table and plot[1]
    • entities[1][2][3]
    • entities, mirror[1]
    • entity[1][2][3][4]
    • entity selectors[1]
    • export files[1]
    • export plots[1]
    • extended entity selection options[1]
    • extend surface[1]
    • external surface motion, define[1]
    • external surface tool[1]
    • external tool[1]
    • extract nodes[1]
    • extract points[1]
    • extract points/nodes tool[1]
  • F
    • fan component tool[1]
    • far field conditions, define[1]
    • far field tool[1]
    • field output frequency, define[1]
    • field tool[1]
    • file formats, supported[1]
    • files, create[1]
    • files, export[1]
    • files, import[1]
    • files, open[1]
    • files, save[1]
    • fill, cavities[1]
    • fillet, remove[1]
    • find, cavities[1]
    • find and isolate specific surface types[1]
    • fit view[1]
    • fix element quality[1]
    • fix tool[1]
    • flow[1]
    • flow domain[1]
    • flow setup[1]
    • FORAN reader[1]
    • free surfaces, define[1]
    • free surface tool[1]
    • fuse 2D shell meshes[1]
    • fuse tool[1][2]
  • G
    • gap refinement, define[1]
    • gap tool[1]
    • geometry[1]
    • geometry, cleanup[1]
    • geometry, create[1]
    • geometry, edit[1]
    • geometry, repair[1]
    • geometry, validate[1]
    • geometry display settings[1]
    • geometry preferences[1]
    • graphics preferences[1]
    • group entities[1]
    • group tool[1]
    • guide bar[1]
    • guide bar buttons[1]
    • guide bar layout[1][2]
    • guide bars[1]
    • guide bar sections[1]
    • guide bars examples[1]
    • guided motion, define[1]
    • guided tool[1]
    • guidelines and recommended practices[1]
  • H
  • I
    • I-deas element quality calculation[1]
    • IGES reader[1]
    • import and export materials[1]
    • import and export parameters[1]
    • import and export participating media model libraries[1]
    • import and export solar radiation model libraries[1]
    • import and export surface finish libraries[1]
    • import error messages[1]
    • import files[1]
    • imprint lines, nodes, points, surfaces[1]
    • imprint tool[1]
    • Inspire reader[1]
    • interactive: biasing tool[1]
    • interactive: create tool[1]
    • interactive: density tool[1]
    • interactive: face edit tool[1]
    • interactive mesh[1]
    • interactive tool[1]
    • interface surfaces, define[1]
    • interface surface tool[1]
    • interface tool[1][2]
    • interpolated motion, define[1]
    • interpolated tool[1]
    • interpolate nodes[1]
    • interpolate points[1]
    • intersect solids[1]
    • Inventor reader[1]
    • isolate[1]
  • J
  • K
    • keyboard shortcuts[1]
    • keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls, selection[1]
    • keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls, show hide isolate[1]
  • L
  • M
    • manage automation templates[1]
    • manage custom ribbons[1]
    • manage discrete geometry[1]
    • manage files and data[1]
    • manage tool[1]
    • mass flow rate, define[1]
    • mass flow rate tool[1]
    • material library tool[1]
    • materials tool[1]
    • measure length and angles[1]
    • measure tool[1]
    • medina element quality calculation[1]
    • merge solids or surfaces[1]
    • merge solids or surfaces using the context menu[1]
    • merge tool[1]
    • mesh controls, define[1]
    • mesh display settings[1]
    • meshing[1]
    • meshing preferences[1]
    • mesh motion, set up[1]
    • mesh tool[1]
    • metadata[1]
    • mirror entities[1]
    • mirror tool[1]
    • model build and assembly[1]
    • modeling window[1]
    • model tool, participating media[1]
    • model tool, solar radiation[1]
    • modify holes and washers[1]
    • moldflow element quality calculation[1]
    • monitors[1]
    • motion[1]
    • mouse control preferences[1]
    • mouse controls[1]
    • move, snap and orient[1]
    • move bodies between parts[1]
    • move node[1]
    • move tool[1]
    • moving tool[1]
    • moving walls, define[1]
    • multipliers tool[1]
    • multiscale designer writer[1]
    • multi-state icons[1]
  • N
    • Nastran element quality calculation[1]
    • nodal initial conditions[1]
    • nodal initial conditions by box, define[1]
    • nodal initial conditions by cylinder, define[1]
    • nodal initial conditions by plane, define[1]
    • nodal initial conditions by sphere, define[1]
    • nodal initial conditions by zones, define[1]
    • node, imprint[1]
    • node, move[1]
    • node, optimize[1]
    • nodes[1]
    • nodes, create[1]
    • nodes, extract[1]
    • nodes, interpolate[1]
    • nodes, replace[1]
    • nodes, spin[1]
    • no slip tool[1]
    • no slip walls, define[1]
    • nx native reader[1]
    • nx reader[1]
    • nx third party reader[1]
  • O
    • open files[1]
    • opening tool[1]
    • optimize cad[1]
    • optimize nodes and elements[1]
    • OptiStruct element quality calculation[1]
    • orientation, define[1]
    • outlets, define[1]
    • outlet tool[1]
    • outputs[1]
    • output tool[1]
  • P
    • pan view[1]
    • parameters tool[1]
    • Parasolid reader[1]
    • Parasolid writer[1]
    • part, create[1]
    • part, scale[1]
    • part-based initial conditions, define[1]
    • part browser[1]
    • participating media[1]
    • parts[1]
    • part tool[1]
    • patch surface[1]
    • patch surfaces using the context menu[1]
    • patran element quality calculation[1]
    • performance preferences[1]
    • perform batch repair[1]
    • perform extended entity selection[1]
    • periodic: rotation tool[1]
    • periodic: streamwise tool[1]
    • periodic: translational tool[1]
    • periodic boundaries, define[1]
    • periodic tool[1]
    • physics tool, flow[1]
    • physics tool, solar radiation[1]
    • physics tool, thermal radiation[1]
    • planar slip motion, define[1]
    • planar slip tool[1]
    • plane tool[1]
    • plot area[1]
    • plot run time data[1]
    • plots, create[1]
    • plots, delete[1]
    • plots, edit[1]
    • plots, export[1]
    • plots, view[1]
    • plot tool[1]
    • plug tool[1]
    • point, imprint[1]
    • points[1][2]
    • points, create[1]
    • points, extract[1]
    • points, interpolate[1]
    • points and nodes[1]
    • polylines, create and edit[1]
    • porous tool[1]
    • preferences[1]
    • pressures, define[1]
    • probe points, define[1]
    • probe tool[1]
    • profiled inlets, define[1]
    • profiled tool[1]
    • push or pull surfaces[1]
  • Q
    • quality index[1]
    • quality index calculations[1]
  • R
    • radiation[1]
    • recall custom view[1]
    • rectangles, create and edit[1]
    • rectangles tool[1]
    • reference frame tool[1]
    • remesh tessellated models[1]
    • remove cutout[1]
    • remove fillet[1]
    • remove logos[1]
    • remove mesh[1]
    • remove round[1]
    • remove small features[1]
    • remove solid holes[1]
    • rename parts and assemblies[1]
    • repair geometry[1]
    • repair solids[1]
    • repair solids, close proximity[1]
    • repair solids, intersections[1]
    • repair solids, sliver solids[1]
    • repair solids, solid-in-solid[1]
    • repair surfaces[1]
    • repair surfaces, closed shells[1]
    • repair surfaces, free edges[1]
    • repair surfaces, non-manifold edges[1]
    • repair surfaces, self intersections[1]
    • repair surfaces, sliver surfaces[1]
    • replace nodes[1]
    • reposition the move tool[1]
    • review 2d elements by element criteria[1]
    • review 2d elements by quality index[1]
    • review, edit, and delete entity groups[1]
    • review element quality[1]
    • Rhino reader[1]
    • ribbon[1][2][3][4]
    • ribbon, secondary[1]
    • ribbon group menus[1]
    • ribbon groups[1]
    • ribbon layout[1]
    • ribbon sections[1]
    • rigid body motion, define[1]
    • rigid body tool[1]
    • rotate, pan, zoom, fit, center[1]
    • rotate view[1]
    • rotational motion, define[1]
    • rotational periodic conditions, define[1]
    • rotation tool[1]
    • round, remove[1]
    • run an acusolve simulation[1]
    • run status dialog[1]
    • run surface/volume mesh[1]
    • run tool[1]
    • run wrapping[1]
  • S
    • satellite icons[1]
    • save files[1]
    • save screen captures[1]
    • scale part[1]
    • scale tool[1]
    • screen captures, save[1]
    • search tools[1]
    • secondary ribbon[1]
    • section cuts[1]
    • section cuts, create[1]
    • section cuts, delete[1]
    • section cuts, view[1]
    • selection[1]
    • selection keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls[1]
    • select multiple objects simultaneously[1]
    • select single objects[1]
    • set rotation center[1]
    • settings, color mode[1]
    • settings, geometry display[1]
    • settings, mesh display[1]
    • settings tool[1]
    • setup browser[1]
    • set up disperse mulitphase modeling[1]
    • setup flow[1]
    • set up humidity modeling[1]
    • set up immiscible mulitphase modeling[1]
    • set up mesh motion[1]
    • set up species transport modeling[1]
    • set up the simulation model[1]
    • set up the solar radiation model[1]
    • set up the thermal radiation model[1]
    • show[1]
    • show, hide, and isolate using context menus[1]
    • show and hide using browser icons[1]
    • show hide isolate keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls[1]
    • SimLab[1][2]
    • SimLab SimLab[1]
    • simulation[1]
    • simulation, run[1]
    • slip tool[1]
    • slip walls, define[1]
    • small features[1]
    • smooth element[1]
    • snaps[1]
    • snaps, enable disable[1]
    • solar radiation[1]
    • solids, combine[1]
    • solids, disconnect[1]
    • solids, intersect[1]
    • solids, repair[1]
    • solids, subtract[1]
    • solids: bounding tool[1]
    • solids: box tool[1]
    • solids: cylinder tool[1]
    • solids: sphere tool[1]
    • solids tool[1]
    • solid tool, repair[1]
    • SolidWorks reader[1]
    • solution[1]
    • solver deck export[1]
    • solver deck export - general export options[1]
    • solver deck export - solver-specific export options[1]
    • solver deck import[1]
    • solver deck import - general import options[1]
    • solver deck import - solver-specific import options[1]
    • sources: heat tool[1]
    • sources: momentum tool[1]
    • sources: species tool[1]
    • sources tool[1]
    • sphere, create[1]
    • sphere mesh zone[1]
    • spin surfaces, nodes, or lines[1]
    • spin tool[1]
    • split: interactive tool[1]
    • split: lines tool[1]
    • split: nodes tool[1]
    • split: parametric tool[1]
    • split: planes tool[1]
    • split: surfaces tool[1]
    • split a part by bodies[1]
    • split element[1]
    • split surfaces[1]
    • split tool[1]
    • squares, create and edit[1]
    • stagnation pressure, define[1]
    • stagnation pressure tool[1]
    • static pressure, define[1]
    • static pressure tool[1]
    • status bar[1]
    • STEP reader[1]
    • stitch, surface[1]
    • stitch surfaces[1]
    • stitch surfaces tool[1]
    • stitch surfaces using the context menu[1]
    • stitch tool[1]
    • stop an acusolve simulation[1]
    • store and recall custom views[1]
    • store custom view[1]
    • streamwise periodic conditions, define[1]
    • suppress, edge[1]
    • suppress edges tool[1]
    • surface, delete[1]
    • surface, extend[1]
    • surface, imprint[1]
    • surface, parametric trimming[1]
    • surface, patch[1]
    • surface, split by curvature[1]
    • surface, split interactive[1]
    • surface, split with lines[1]
    • surface, split with nodes[1]
    • surface, split with planes[1]
    • surface, split with surfaces[1]
    • surface-based initial conditions, define[1]
    • surface boundary conditions[1]
    • surface finish library tool[1]
    • surface finish tool[1]
    • surface mesh, define[1]
    • surface monitors, define[1]
    • surface output[1]
    • surfaces[1][2]
    • surfaces, cross extend[1]
    • surfaces, repair[1]
    • surfaces, spin[1]
    • surfaces: cross extend tool[1]
    • surfaces: extend tool[1]
    • surfaces: patch tool[1]
    • surface stitch[1]
    • surfaces tool[1]
    • surfaces tool, monitors[1]
    • surface tool, initial conditions[1]
    • surface tool, mesh controls[1]
    • surface tool, repair[1]
    • surface tool, solar radiation[1]
    • swap edge[1]
    • symmetry conditions, define[1]
    • symmetry tool[1]
  • T
    • template manager[1]
    • tessellate[1]
    • thermal radiation[1]
    • thin tool[1]
    • time history output, define[1]
    • tool[1]
    • tool icons[1]
    • tool icons layout[1]
    • tools, search[1]
    • translational motion, define[1]
    • translational periodic conditions, define[1]
    • translation tool[1]
    • tria, combine[1]
    • tria, drag[1]
    • tutorials[1]
  • U
  • V
    • validate geometry[1]
    • validate tool[1]
    • view, fit[1]
    • view, pan[1]
    • view, rotate[1]
    • view, zoom[1]
    • view controls[1]
    • view entity count[1]
    • view solver and mesh status[1]
    • visualize results in acufieldview[1]
    • volume mesh, define[1]
    • volume mesh tool[1]
    • volume monitors, define[1]
    • volumes tool[1]
    • volumetric flow rate, define[1]
    • volumetric flow rate tool[1]
  • W
    • washer, modify[1]
    • window selection settings[1]
    • wrap: cap tool[1]
    • wrap: local tool[1]
    • wrap: proximity tool[1]
    • wrap: run tool[1]
    • wrap tool[1]
    • write output[1]
  • Z
    • zone mesh, create[1]
    • zones tool, initialization[1]
    • zones tool, mesh[1]
    • zoom view[1]