General Solver Deck Export Options

General options used across solver interfaces to determine how FE models are exported.

Note: Depending on the solver interface, some of these options may not be available.


Type of entities to export.
Export all entities in the current database.
Select entities to export from the selected file.
Click the Custom Export tab. Then, using the Entity State Browser, set the export state of any HyperWorks CFD entity. Only the entities which have a checkbox activated will be exported to the template.
Export only the entities that are currently displayed.
  • Entities that have a display state and/or a mask state are displayed on the screen are exported. This includes elements, loads, equations, systems, vectors, groups, components, blocks, contactsurfs, multibodies, ellipsoids, mbplanes, mbjoints, assemblies, control cards (that are enabled), loadcols, systemcols, vectorcols, and connectors.
  • Entities that do not have a display state and/or a mask state are exported if at least one of the entities it contains is displayed. For example, entity sets do not have a display state (on/off). If an entity set contains elements and some of the elements are displayed, the set is exported. However, the contents of the set are limited to the displayed portion only. If this set contains 20 elements, five of which are displayed and remaining turned off, the exported set will contain only five elements. Entities in this category include: entity sets, output blocks, loadsteps, control vols, and beamsect cols.
  • Entities that do not have a display state and/or a mask state are exported if the entity is being used by a displayed entity. For example, materials do not have a display state, but if a displayed component or element uses it, that material is exported. Entities in this category are: nodes, materials, properties, entity sets, and curves.
  • Sometimes entities that are not displayed are exported anyway, if the entity is referred to by another entity that is displayed. For example, when a vector is turned off, but is used in defining the orientation of a beam element, the vector will be exported in order to export the beam element correctly. Entities in this category are: vectors, systems, beamsections, multibodies, and components.
  • Any entity that is used or required by an attribute of a displayed entity is also exported. For example, if a material is defined as an attribute on an element, that material is exported. All entities in the HyperWorks CFD database belong to this category.
  • Any entity that points to a displayed entity is exported. Tags and titles belong to this category.
Select the appropriate template file type.
Include export
Method for exporting includes.
Import the contents from all include files into the HyperWorks CFD model, but do not maintain their references. When exporting, all entities are written into the master file.
Preserve the data in individual include files along with their references in the master model. Review the contents of individual include files in the Include Browser. When exporting, entities are written into the corresponding include files along with their references in the master file.
Do not import data in the include file into HyperWorks CFD. Include references are maintained and written out to the master model during export.
Write Connectors
Export all of the connectors in the model. This operation appends the master connector file xml data to the end of the solver input file as solver comments and thus does not effect the operation of the solver. This operation can remove the necessity to perform a FE-absorb on a imported model since the connector information is retained in the solver input file.
Write ID rules
Export ID management rules defined in the ID Manager as an XML block at the end of each Include file.
Restriction: Available when Include export is set to Preserve.

Write comments for

Write HyperMesh comments upon export. When unchecked, HyperMesh comment cards are ignored.
Part Assemblies/Parts
Export an xml comment block containing HyperMesh part assemblies/parts, along with PDM metadata.
Write comments for materials.

Warning Messages

Invalid elements
Display warning message upon invalid elements.
Overwrite existing file
Display warning message upon overwriting an existing file.
ID Overflow
Display warning message upon ID overflow.