General Solver Deck Import Options

General options used across solver interfaces to determine how FE models are imported.

Select reader.
Switch solver interface
Switch solver interface.
Note: Depending on the solver interface, some of these options may not be available.


Create components by
Method for creating components on import.
HyperMesh Comments
Honor the HyperMesh comments $HMNAME COMP, $HMMOVE, and $HMDPRP in the selected file that were created by HyperMesh in any previous export of the model.
Ignore any $HMNAME COMP, $HMMOVE, and $HMDPRP comments that may be in the selected file and automatically create components based on each property in the file. The component name will be the name of the property. The property will also be created and assigned to the component, not the elements. (By Property Hierarchy)
One Component
Ignore any $HMNAME COMP, $HMMOVE, and $HMDPRP comments that may be in the selected file and create one component into which all elements in the selected file will be organized. Properties will be created and assigned directly to the elements. (By Component Hierarchy)
Assign properties
Method for assigning properties to elements on import.
By HyperMesh Comments
Honor the $HMNAME COMP, $HMMOVE, and $HMDPRP comments and assign properties to elements accordingly. Any elements listed in the $HMDPRP comment will have their property directly assigned, and the remaining elements will take their property from the component.
On Element
Honor the $HMNAME COMP and $HMMOVE comments and directly assign properties to all elements based on their card definitions.
On Component
Honor the $HMNAME COMP and $HMMOVE comments and leave all elements to take their property from their components.
Note: Elements can take a property assignment from the component in which it resides, or it can have a property directly assigned to it. Direct assignment takes precedence over component assignment.
Overwrite FE ID's
Overwrite entities that have matching IDs. If turned off, entity IDs are offset to avoid duplicates.
Show import errors
Display errors received during import process.
Read ID rules
Import ID management rules defined in the ID Manager.
Restriction: Available when Include Files is set to Preserve

Include Files

Import file as an include
Import file as an include file
Create Part Assemblies/Parts
Create part assemblies/parts during the import process.
Note: For certain solver interfaces without include files, this option is found under General.
Import behavior
Select the appropriate import behavior.
Import the contents from all include files into the HyperMesh model, but do not maintain their references. When exporting, all entities are written into the master file.
Preserve data in individual include files along with their references in the master model. Review the contents of individual include files in the Include browser. When exporting, entities are written into the corresponding include files along with their references in the master file.
Do not import data in the include file into HyperMesh. Include references are maintained and written out to the master model during export.

FE topology

Create faces
Auto solids
No wire edges
Detect features
Edge feature angle
Vertex feature angle
Allow open features


Select the type of entities to import.
Import all entities in the selected file.
Select entities to import from the selected file..

Read Comments

Material Metadata
Read materials metadata comments.


Choose which entities to display.
Tip: This option can help improve the performance for FE input models containing large numbers of entities.
Display all entities in the selected file.
Select entities to display from the selected file.
Display none of the entities in the selected file.

ID Offsets

Overwrite existing ID's
Adjust offset settings.
Offset by
Select an offset method.
Entities are not offset.
Specify values to offset each entity.
Set all IDs to MAX
Set all entities to their maximum offset value.
Set all IDs to ZERO
Set the offset value of all entities to zero.