Solver-Specific Import Options

Solver-specific options used to determine how FE models are imported.


Generic material
Import a model in the generic material mode.
Expand load on sets
Expand all loads on sets to individual nodes/elements.
Expand sets defined by range
Import all sets with the GENERATE parameter as regular sets.
Tip: This is useful when node/element IDs are renumbered during import.
Retain existing ID's
Retain any pre-existing entity IDs during import.
Import Elset from components
When importing an input file, create an element set with the same name as the component.
Organize orphan entities
Organize orphan entities into separate collectors.
When selected, system collectors defined via HMNAME will be honored, and systems organization into particular system collectors based on their position in the deck will be honored.
An orphaned system is a system in a master or include file that exists without a HMNAME system collector in the same include file. Upon import, orphaned systems are organized into auto-generated system collectors that reside on the same include files as the orphaned systems. This solver option controls how the orphaned systems are organized into the auto-generated system collector(s). When this checkbox is cleared (default), a single system collector is created and all orphaned systems are organized into that single system collector. When this checkbox is selected, separate system collectors are created for each orphaned system.
If a property is assigned to the component, then the ID will be stored in the component. In case of indirect assignment the ID will be stored in the property, and in case of another entity the ID will be taken from the corresponding entity.
Resolve NMAP
Imported files containing node mapping are converted to node mapping using coordinates.

Nastran (MSC) and Nastran (NX)

Delete duplicate
Delete duplicate node IDs on import; only the final imported node of a given ID will be retained.
Delete duplicate systems IDs on import; only the final imported systems of a given ID will be retained.
Delete duplicate tolerance IDs on import.
Read comments
Nastran nodes/elements
Import comment lines on nodes and elements.
Read ANSA comments.
Read FEMAP Comments.
Restriction: Only available for Nastran (NX).
Read Patran comments.
Create SET's based on Patran Group
Create SET's based on Patran Group in deck.
Materials Metadata
Read materials metadata comments.
Organize when missing comments
Use element to property ratio
Defines how imported elements are organized into components. When importing an FE model and the HyperMesh Comments option is selected but no HyperMesh comment cards exist, Nastran users can specify a ratio to be considered when importing HyperMesh entities. On import, HyperWorks CFD will calculate the ratio of the number of elements to the number of properties:
  • If the calculated ratio is less than the specified ratio, all the elements are put into one component.
  • If the calculated ratio is greater than the specified ratio, one component is created for each property.
Specify a ratio to be considered when importing HyperMesh entities.
Systems, vectors, beamsects
Organize orphan systems, vectors, beamsects into separate collectors.
When selected, system collectors defined via HMNAME will be honored, and systems organization into particular system collectors based on their position in the deck will be honored.
An orphaned system is a system in a master or include file that exists without a HMNAME system collector in the same include file. Upon import, orphaned systems are organized into auto-generated system collectors that reside on the same include files as the orphaned systems. This solver option controls how the orphaned systems are organized into the auto-generated system collector(s). When this checkbox is cleared (default), a single system collector is created and all orphaned systems are organized into that single system collector. When this checkbox is selected, separate system collectors are created for each orphaned system.
Organize elements in the absence of HyperMesh comments.
Convert SPC1 to SPC
Imports SPC1 format as SPC format.
Expand formula sets on import
Expand formula sets on import.


Delete duplicates
Delete duplicate node IDs on import; only the final imported node of a given ID will be retained.
Delete duplicate systems IDs on import; only the final imported systems of a given ID will be retained.
Read comments
Nastran nodes/elements
Import comment lines on nodes and elements.
ANSA Comments
Read ANSA comments.
Read Patran comments.
Materials Metadata
Read materials metadata comments.
Organize when missing comments
Use element to property ratio
Defines how imported elements are organized into components. When importing an FE model and the HyperMesh Comments option is selected but no HyperMesh comment cards exist, OptiStruct users can specify a ratio to be considered when importing HyperMesh entities. On import, HyperWorks CFD will calculate the ratio of the number of elements to the number of properties:
  • If the calculated ratio is less than the specified ratio, all the elements are put into one component.
  • If the calculated ratio is greater than the specified ratio, one component is created for each property.
Specify a ratio to be considered when importing HyperMesh entities.
Systems, vectors, beamsects
Organize orphan systems, vectors, beamsects into separate collectors.
When selected, system collectors defined via HMNAME will be honored, and systems organization into particular system collectors based on their position in the deck will be honored.
An orphaned system is a system in a master or include file that exists without a HMNAME system collector in the same include file. Upon import, orphaned systems are organized into auto-generated system collectors that reside on the same include files as the orphaned systems. This solver option controls how the orphaned systems are organized into the auto-generated system collector(s). When this checkbox is cleared (default), a single system collector is created and all orphaned systems are organized into that single system collector. When this checkbox is selected, separate system collectors are created for each orphaned system.
Organize elements in the absence of HyperMesh comments.
Expand formula sets on import
Expand formula sets on import.